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Uicipeid:Aistean a dh'fheumas a h-uile uicipeid

O Uicipeid

Faodaidh sibh cuideachd sùil a thoirt air an liosta nas giorra seo a tha stèidhichte air na buill as cudromaiche a rèir Liosta aistean a bu chòir a bhith aig a h-uile wikipedia aig Meta-Wiki. Air 15 Samhainn 2012 bha 160 ceanglaichean gorma agus 78 ceanglaichean dearga oirre.


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Guido da Arezzo (Guido of Arezzo)
  2. Johann Sebastian Bach
  3. Ludwig van Beethoven
  4. Benjamin Britten
  5. Frédéric Chopin
  6. Edward Elgar
  7. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
  8. Ennio Morricone
  9. Sergej Prokofʹev (Sergei Prokofiev)
  10. Richard Wagner

Seòladairean agus taisgealaichean

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Roald Amundsen
  2. Willem Barentsz
  3. Vitus Bering
  4. Jakez Karter / Jacques Cartier
  5. Cristoforo Colombo (Christopher Columbus)
  6. James Cook
  7. Hernán Cortés
  8. Francis Drake
  9. Leifur Eiríksson (Leif Ericson / Erikson)
  10. Vasco da Gama
  11. Edmund Hillary
  12. Tenzing Norgay
  13. Fernão de Magalhães (Ferdinand Magellan)
  14. Marco Polo
  15. Abel Tasman
  16. Zheng He

Eòlaichean agus innleachdairean

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Archimedes
  2. Alexander Graham Bell
  3. Carl Benz
  4. Niels Bohr
  5. Tycho Brahe
  6. Nicolaus Copernicus
  7. Maria Skłodowska-Curie (Marie Curie)
  8. Charles Darwin
  9. Albert Einstein
  10. Thomas Alva Edison
  11. Enrico Fermi
  12. Richard Feynman
  13. Henry Ford
  14. Sigmund Freud
  15. Buckminster Fuller
  16. Galileo Galilei
  17. Johannes Gutenberg
  18. Christiaan Huygens
  19. Ippokrátīs (Hippocrates)
  20. Edward Jenner
  21. Johannes Kepler
  22. John Maynard Keynes
  23. Carl von Linné (Carl Linnaeus)
  24. Isaac Newton
  25. Ernest Rutherford
  26. Ole Rømer
  27. Nikola Tesla
  28. Leonardo da Vinci
  29. Wright Brothers
  30. Hans Christian Ørsted


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Leonhard Euler
  2. Joseph Fourier
  3. Carl Friedrich Gauß (Carl Friedrich Gauss)
  4. Kurt Gödel
  5. David Hilbert
  6. Muhammad ibn Musa al-Khwarizmi
  7. Pierre-Simon de Laplace (Pierre-Simon Laplace)
  8. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
  9. Pythagóras
  10. Bernhard Riemann
  11. Thalī́s (Thales)
  12. Alan Turing
  13. Ypatía (Hypatia)

Feallsanaich agus eachdraichean

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Tommaso d'Aquino (Thomas Aquinas)
  2. Aristotélīs (Aristotle)
  3. Averroes
  4. Augustinus Hipponensis
  5. Simone de Beauvoir
  6. Confucius
  7. René Descartes
  8. Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. Edward Gibbon
  10. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
  11. Īródotos (Herodotus)
  12. Immanuel Kant
  13. Søren Kierkegaard
  14. Lao Zi (Laozi, aka Lao-Tzu or Lao-Tze)
  15. Li Bai (aka Li Bo)
  16. Martin Luther
  17. Martin Luther King, Jr.
  18. Karl Marx
  19. Nāgārjuna (Nagarjuna)
  20. Friedrich Nietzsche
  21. Thomas Paine
  22. Plátōn
  23. Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  24. Bertrand Russell
  25. Adam Smith
  26. Sima Qian
  27. Sokrátīs
  28. Sun Tzu
  29. Voltaire
  30. Mary Wollstonecraft
  31. Zeami Motokiyo (aka Kanze Motokiyo)

Bàird, dràmadaichean agus sgrìobhadairean

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Dante Alighieri
  2. Hans Christian Andersen
  3. Aristofánīs (Aristophanes)
  4. Isaac Asimov
  5. Jane Austen
  6. Lester Bangs
  7. Matsuo Bashō
  8. Hildegard von Bingen
  9. Bertolt Brecht
  10. Lord Byron
  11. Miguel de Cervantes
  12. Anton Čehov (Anton Chekhov)
  13. Emily Dickinson
  14. Fëdor Dostoevskij (Fyodor Dostoevsky)
  15. Arthur Conan Doyle
  16. Alexandre Dumas
  17. F. Scott Fitzgerald
  18. Bràithrean Grimm (Brothers Grimm)
  19. Dashiell Hammett
  20. Nathaniel Hawthorne
  21. Ernest Hemingway
  22. Ómīros (Homer)
  23. Victor Hugo
  24. Langston Hughes
  25. Henrik Ibsen
  26. James Joyce
  27. Franz Kafka
  28. Edna St. Vincent Millay
  29. Arthur Miller
  30. Molière
  31. Pablo Neruda
  32. Sylvia Plath
  33. Edgar Allan Poe
  34. Marcel Proust
  35. Aleksandr Puškin (Alexander Pushkin)
  36. Rainer Maria Rilke
  37. Carl Sandburg
  38. Jean-Paul Sartre
  39. William Shakespeare
  40. George Bernard Shaw
  41. Murasaki Shikibu
  42. Sofoklī́s (Sophocles)
  43. J. R. R. Tolkien
  44. Lev Tolstoj (Leo Tolstoy)
  45. Tu Fu
  46. Mark Twain
  47. Publius Vergilius Maro (Virgil)
  48. Walt Whitman
  49. Oscar Wilde
  50. Mary Wollstonecraft
  51. William Butler Yeats


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Michelangelo
  2. Paul Cézanne
  3. Vincent van Gogh
  4. Katsushika Hokusai
  5. Claude Monet
  6. Georgia O'Keeffe
  7. Pablo Picasso
  8. Jackson Pollock
  9. Nicolas Poussin
  10. Rembrandt van Rijn
  11. Auguste Rodin
  12. Raffaello Sanzio (Raphael)
  13. Andy Warhol

Cinn-fheadhna agus luchd-poileataigs (eachdraidheal)

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Akbar (cuideachd Akbar I, Akbar Mòr / Akbar the Great)
  2. Alasdair Mòr (Alexander the Great)
  3. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
  4. (Gaius) Iulius Caesar (Julius Caesar)
  5. Augustus
  6. Hastings Banda
  7. Otto von Bismarck
  8. Simón Bolívar
  9. Napoléon Bonaparte
  10. Teàrlach Mòr (Charlemagne)
  11. Winston Churchill
  12. Cleopatra
  13. Constantinus I, Magnus (Constantine the Great)
  14. Franz Ferdinand (Prìomh-dhiùc Ostair)
  15. Mahatma Gandhi
  16. Charles de Gaulle
  17. Čingis haan (Genghis Khan)
  18. Mihail Gorbačëv (Mikhail Gorbachev)
  19. Che Guevara
  20. Hammurabi
  21. Hannibal
  22. Hirohito
  23. Adolf Hitler
  24. Thomas Jefferson
  25. Vladimir Lenin
  26. Abraham Lincoln
  27. Nelson Mandela
  28. Mao Tse-tung
  29. Benito Mussolini
  30. Kwame Nkrumah
  31. Peter the Great
  32. Pol Pot
  33. Qin Shihuang
  34. Franklin Delano Roosevelt
  35. Saladin
  36. Shaka Zulu
  37. Sitting Bull
  38. Josef Vissarianovitch Diougatchvili, Stalin
  39. Tamerlane
  40. Leo Trotsky
  41. Harry Truman
  42. Queen Victoria (UK)
  43. George Washington
  44. Emperor Wilhelm II

Cinn-fheadhna agus neach-poileataics (nuadh/làithreach)

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Kofi Annan
  2. Pope Benedict XVI
  3. Silvio Berlusconi
  4. Tony Blair
  5. George W. Bush
  6. Fidel Castro
  7. Jacques Chirac
  8. Queen Elizabeth I (of England)
  9. Queen Elizabeth II (UK)
  10. Nelson Mandela
  11. Mahatir Bin Muhammad
  12. Vladimir Putin
  13. Gerhard Schröder
  14. Queen Victoria (of the United Kingdom)
  15. Lee Kuan Yew

Boireannaich ann an eachdraidh

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Rachel Carson
  2. Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia
  3. Cixi (Tse Hsi, Tz'u-hsi) (The Dowager Empress of China, 1835 - 1908)
  4. Cleopatra
  5. Gro Harlem Brundtland
  6. Mary Dyer
  7. Indira Gandhi
  8. Emma Goldman
  9. Germaine Greer
  10. Mary Harris (Mother Jones)
  11. Joan of Arc
  12. Kaahumanu
  13. Frida Kahlo
  14. Helen Keller
  15. Queen Liliuokalani
  16. Rosa Luxemburg
  17. Makeda, Queen of Sheba (Ethiopia)
  18. Golda Meir
  19. Nefertiti
  20. Florence Nightingale
  21. Eva Peron
  22. Rosa Parks
  23. Eleanor Roosevelt
  24. Sammu-ramat (Semiramis), Queen of Assyria
  25. Sappho
  26. Sojourner Truth
  27. Harriet Tubman


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Tim Berners-Lee
  2. Bill Gates
  3. Steve Jobs
  4. Donald Knuth
  5. Richard Stallman
  6. Linus Torvalds
  7. Dennis Ritchie


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Osama bin Laden
  2. Gavrilo Princip

Dùthchannan, Lagh agus Poileataics

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. One sentence and the table on all countries in this list (203 articles):


  1. Communist Manifesto
  2. Constitution
  3. Declaration of the Rights of Man
  4. Lagh
  5. Magna Carta
  6. Leviathan


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Àiteachas
  2. Eòrna
  3. Aran
  4. Càise
  5. Teòclaid
  6. Cotan
  7. Mil
  8. Measan
    1. Ubhal
    2. Banana
    3. Fìon-dearc
    4. Lìomaid
    5. Orainsear
  9. Maize
  10. Coirce
  11. Buntàta
  12. Rìs
  13. Sorghum
  14. Pònair sòigh
  15. Siùcar
  16. Tombaca
  17. Lus
  18. Cruithneach
  1. Alcol
    1. Leann
    2. Fìon
  2. Irn Bru
  3. Cofaidh
  4. Teatha
  5. Uisge
  6. Bainne


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Saidheansan na Talmhainn

Na Mòr-Thìrean

[deasaich an tùs]

At least three sentences on each of the continents

  1. Afraga
  2. Antarctica
  3. Asia
  4. Europe
  5. North America
  6. Oceania
  7. South America

roinnean eile

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Latin America
  2. Middle East
  3. Oceania

Bailtean Mòr

[deasaich an tùs]

Cities with historical, economical, political and/or religious importance and significance

  1. Athens
  2. Bangkok
  3. Beijing
  4. Berlin
  5. Bombay
  6. Brussels
  7. Cairo
  8. Hanoi
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Istanbul
  11. Jakarta
  12. Jerusalem
  13. London
  14. Los Angeles
  15. Manila
  16. Madrid
  17. Mecca
  18. Mexico City
  19. Mosgo
  20. Nairobi
  21. New York
  22. New Delhi
  23. Paris
  24. Rio de Janeiro
  25. Rome
  26. Shanghai
  27. Singapore
  28. St. Petersburg
  29. Sydney
  30. Taipei
  31. Tokyo
  32. Toronto
  33. Vienna
  34. Warsaw
  35. Washington D.C.
  36. Copenhagen
  1. Dolair Aimearaganach
  2. Punnd Breatannach
  3. Euro
  4. Yen
  5. Renminbi
  6. Rupee

cuspairean eile co-cheangailte ri cruinn eolas

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Prìomh-bhaile
  2. Baile mòr
  3. Mòr-roinn
  4. Fàsach
  5. Cuan
  6. Coille-uisge
  7. Abhainn
  8. Muir
  9. beinn-theine

Rudan eile cruinn eolas

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Arctic Ocean
  2. Cuan Siar
  3. Baltic Sea
  4. Black Sea
  5. Great Barrier Reef
  6. Indian Ocean
  7. Mediterranean Sea
  8. North Sea
  9. Pacific Ocean
  10. Panama Canal
  11. Suez Canal
  12. Southern Ocean

An Dá Mhul

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Mul a' Tuatha
  2. Mul a' Deis

Beantainn 's Glinn 's Fàsaich 's eile

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. The Alps
  2. Amazon River
  3. Andes
  4. Aral Sea
  5. Caspian Sea
  6. Dead Sea
  7. Great Lakes
  8. Great Rift Valley
  9. Himalayas
  10. Kilimanjaro
  11. Abhainn Mississippi
  12. Mount Everest
  13. Niagara falls
  14. Nile River
  15. Rocky Mountains
  16. Fàsach Sahara
  17. Lake Baikal
  18. Lake Tanganyika
  19. Lake Titicaca
  20. Lake Victoria
  21. Beantainn Sierra Nevada


[deasaich an tùs]

At least five sentences on:

  1. Arc-Eòlas
  2. Aois nan Clach
  3. Linn Umha
  4. Sumer
  5. Ancient Egypt
  6. Linn Iarainn
  7. Sean Ghreug
  8. Roman Empire
  9. Byzantine Empire
  10. Seljuk Empire
  11. Mesoamerica
  12. Inca and other Andes cultures
  13. Middle Ages
  14. Holy Roman Empire of the German Nation
  15. Na Lochlannaich
  16. Crusades
  17. An Dealachadh Mòr (1089)
  18. Ottoman Empire
  19. Ath-bheothachadh
  20. An t-Ath-Leasachadh
  21. Discovery of the Americas
  22. Colonization of North-east America
  23. Colonization of South America
  24. Spanish Inquisition
  25. the Dutch Revolt
  26. Cogadh Siobhalta na Sasuinn
  27. British Empire
  28. Truailleachd
  29. An Soillseadh Mòr
  30. American Revolution
  31. Ar a-mach Mòr na Frainge
  32. Car a'Mhuiltean a' Ghniomhacais
  33. Cogadh Cathara Ameireaganach
  34. An Cogadh Fraingeo-Phruiseachd
  35. Aonaicheadh na Gearmailt
  36. The Scramble for Africa
  37. Meiji Restoration
  38. An Cogadh Mòr
  39. Ar-a-mach Ruiseanach
  40. Cogadh Siobhalta na Ruisse
  41. Soviet Union
  42. Spanish Civil War
  43. An Dàrna Cogadh
  44. Holocaust
  45. Cogadh Choireachd (Korean)
  46. An Cogadh Fuar
  47. Afghan Soviet War
  48. Outer space exploration (Sputnik, Apollo programs, shuttles)
  49. Vietnam War
  50. Apartheid
  51. Gulf war (which one?)
  52. Han Dynasty
  53. Tang Dynasty
  54. Sung Dynasty
  55. Yuan Dynasty
  56. Qing Dynasty
  57. Ming Dynasty


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Anarchism
  2. Anarchy
  3. Capitalism
  4. Communism
  5. Democracy
  6. Dictatorship
  7. Fascism
  8. Feminism
  9. Religious Fundamentalism
  10. Globalisation
  11. Imperialism
  12. Liberalism
  13. Monarchy
  14. Nationalism
  15. Racism
  16. Republic
  17. Socialism
  18. Separation of power:
    1. Judiciary
    2. Legislature
    3. Executive
  19. Political party
  20. Theocracy

Cuspairean pearsanta

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Abortion
  2. Birth control
  3. Capital punishment
  4. Racism
  5. Human rights
  6. Sexism
  7. Slavery


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. ASEAN
  2. Arab League
  3. Antiglobalization
  4. Diplomacy
  5. European Union
  6. Freedom
  7. Globalization
  8. IMF
  9. NATO
  10. Nobel Prize
  11. Olympic Games, preferably with a mention of the Paralympics
  12. OPEC
  13. Red Cross/Red Crescent/Red Star of David
  14. United Nations
    1. WHO
    2. UNICEF
    3. UNESCO
  15. World Bank
  16. World Peace


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Religion

At least a five-sentence introduction to the religions:

  1. Baha'i
    1. The Báb
    2. Bahá'u'lláh
  2. Buddhism
    1. Gautama Buddha
  3. Christianity
    1. Jesus Christ
    2. The Pope
    3. Church
    4. Inquisition
    5. Crusades
    6. Protestantism
    7. Jehovah's Witnesses
  4. Confucianism
    1. Confucius
  5. God
    1. Monotheism
    2. Trinity
  6. Hinduism
    1. Brahma
    2. Vishnu
    3. Siva
  7. Islam
    1. Ali
    2. Muhammad
    3. Mosque
    4. Omar
    5. Mecca
    6. Sufism
  8. Jainism
  9. Judaism
    1. Yahweh / Jehovah
    2. Moses
    3. Synagogue
    4. Jerusalem
    5. Israel
  10. Mythology
    1. Greek mythology
  11. Shinto
  12. Sikhism
    1. Nanak
  13. Spirits
  14. Taoism
  15. Unitarianism
  16. Voodoo
  17. Zoroastrianism
    1. Zoroaster

With necessary mention of non-religiousness:

  1. Agnosticism
  2. Atheism
  3. Humanism

At least three sentences on:

  1. Art
    1. Architecture
    2. Painting
    3. Sculpture
  2. Astrology
  3. Cultar is dualchas
  4. Dance
  5. Film
    1. History/evolution
      1. Silent era/transition to sound
      2. Studio era (Including the different "type" of films from MGM, Warner Bros, Fox, Columbia, etc.)
      3. Modern era
    2. Actors
      1. Silent stars - Chaplin, Pickford, Fairbanks, Clara Bow, Gloria Swanson
      2. Studio stars / contract era - Crawford, Gable, Harlow, Wayne, Garbo, Lombard, Shearer, etc.
      3. Growth of the (Stanislausky) method - Brando, Dean, Monroe, Actors Studio
      4. Modern era (top actors now key power)
    3. Directors / creators
      1. Silent greats - DW Griffith, Frances Marion, Cecil B. de Mille
      2. European film grows - Eisenstein, Fritz Lang, Leni Riefenstahl, Jean Renoir
      3. Studio system (Michael Curtiz, Mitchell Leison, John Ford, Howard Hawks, Dorothy Arzner)
      4. Ingmar Bergman
      5. Walt Disney
      6. Akira Kurosawa
      7. Alfred Hitchcock
      8. Film school (1970s) generation - Spielberg, Lucas, Scorcese, etc.
  6. Gambling
  7. Game
    1. Tailleasg
    2. Go
    3. Mancala
    4. Checkers
    5. Backgammon
  8. Litreachas
    1. Nobhail
      1. Don Quixote
      2. Thousand and One Nights
    2. Poetry
      1. Epic of Gilgamesh
      2. Iliad
      3. Mahabharata
      4. Odyssey
  9. Books
    1. The Bible
    2. The Qur'an
  10. Ceòl
    1. CD
    2. Classical music
      1. Opera
      2. Symphony
    3. Jazz
    4. Pop music
    5. Reggae
    6. Soul and gospel
      1. Aretha Franklin
    7. Rock and roll
      1. The Beatles
      2. Heavy metal
      3. Elvis Presley
      4. The Rolling Stones
    8. Traditional
      1. Gamelan
      2. Indian classical music
  11. Innealan ciùil
    1. Druma
    2. Duiseal
    3. Giotàr
    4. Piàno
    5. Innealan teuda
    6. Trombaid
    7. Fidheall
  12. Rèidio
  13. Telebhisean
  14. Taigh-cluich
    1. Broadway
    2. Noh
  15. Turasachd


[deasaich an tùs]

At least a five-sentence introduction to the major fields:


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Astronomy
  2. Asteroid
  3. Big Bang
  4. Black hole
  5. Comet
  6. Earth
  7. Galaxy
  8. Jupiter
  9. Light year
  10. Mars
  11. Mercury
  12. Milky Way
  13. Moon
  14. Neptune
  15. Planet
  16. Pluto
  17. Saturn
  18. Solar System
  19. Star
  20. Sun
  21. Uranus
  22. Venus


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Biology

Biological materials

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. DNA
  2. Enzyme
  3. Protein

Mammalian anatomy

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Digestive system
    1. Large intestine
    2. Small intestine
    3. Liver
  2. Respiratory system
    1. Lungs
  3. Skeletal system
  4. Nervous system
    1. Brain
    2. Sensory system
      1. Auditory system
        1. Ear
      2. Visual system
        1. Eye
      3. Olfactory system
      4. Gustatory system
      5. Somatosensory system
  5. Endocrine system
  6. Circulatory system
    1. Blood
    2. cridhe
  7. Reproductive system
    1. Penis
    2. Vagina
  8. Integumentary system
    1. craiceann
  9. Breast

Biological processes

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Digestion
  2. Evolution
  3. Excretion
  4. Photosynthesis
  5. Pregnancy
  6. Reproduction
  7. Respiration


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Beathach
    1. Chordata
      1. Amphibian
        1. Losgann
      2. Eun
        1. Dove
        2. Eagle
      3. Iasg
        1. Shark
      4. Mamal
        1. Bat
        2. Bear
        3. Camel
        4. Cat
        5. Cattle
        6. Dolphin
        7. Elephant
        8. Horse
        9. Sheep
        10. Lion
        11. Mammoth
        12. Monkey
        13. Pig
        14. Whale
      5. Reptile
        1. Snake
    2. Insect
      1. Ant
      2. Bee
      3. Butterfly
    3. Arachnid
  2. Archea
  3. Bacterium
  4. Fungus
  5. Plant
    1. Flower
    2. Palm
    3. Tree
  6. Protist
  7. Cell


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Ceimigeachd
  2. Eileamaid cheimigeach
  3. Liosta nan eileamaidean
  4. Bith-cheimigeachd
  5. Ceimigeachd fhàs-bheairteach
  6. Clàr pillteach
  7. Aluminium
  8. Carbon
  9. Copar
  10. Òr
  11. Iarann
  12. Helium
  13. Haidridean
  14. Litium
  15. Neon
  16. Naitridean
  17. Ogsaidean
  18. Airgead (meatailt)
  19. Sinc
  1. Ecology
  2. Species
    1. Endangered species
  1. Basalt
  2. Flint
  3. Clach-Aoill (Limestone)
  4. Earth (Geology)
  1. Medicine
  2. AIDS
  3. Alcoholism
  4. aillse
  5. Cirrhosis of the liver
  6. Cholera
  7. Diabetes mellitus
  8. Dysentery
  9. Heart disease
  10. Hypertension
  11. Influenza
  12. Lung cancer
  13. Malaria
  14. Malnutrtion
  15. Obesity
  16. Sexually transmitted disease
  17. Smallpox
  18. Stroke
  19. Syphilis
  20. Tuberculosis
  21. Virus
  22. Blindness
  23. Mental Illness
  24. Deafness


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Cloud
  2. El Niño
  3. Global Warming
  4. Tornado
  5. Tropical cyclone
  6. Rain
  7. Snow
  1. Physics
  2. Atom
    1. Electron
    2. Neutron
    3. Proton
  3. Energy
    1. Electromagnetic radiation
      1. Radio
      2. IR
      3. Visible
        1. Spectrum
        2. Black
        3. White
        4. Red
        5. Yellow
        6. Green
        7. Blue
      4. UV
      5. Gamma
  4. Isotope
  5. Molecule
  6. Light
  7. Forces
    1. Gravitation
    2. Electromagnetism
    3. Weak nuclear force
    4. Strong nuclear force
  8. Ath-Luathasachadh (Acceleration)
  9. Force
  10. Tomad (Mass)
  11. Luaths (Speed)
  12. Uine (Time)
  13. Velocity
  14. Cuideam
  15. Quantum mechanics
  16. Theory of relativity

Human sciences

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Anthropology
  2. Education
    1. University
  3. Human
  4. Eòlas-inntinn
  5. Sociology


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Minerals
  2. Diamond
  3. Salt


  1. Oil
  2. Gas
  3. Coal

SI units and others

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. SI Unit System
  2. Metre
  3. Litre
  4. Kilogram
  5. Volt
  6. Watt
  7. Newton

Calendars and timekeeping

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Calendar
  2. Day
    1. Gregorian calendar
      1. Day-of-week algorithm
      2. Calculation of date of Easter
      3. Leap year
  3. Mios
  4. Time zone
    1. Daylight Saving Time / Summer Time
  5. bliadhna
  6. (article about each of the months of the year)
  1. Dialect
  2. Grammar
  3. Linguistics
  4. Pronunciation
  5. Syntax
  6. Word
  7. (article about the language specific to that Wikipedia)
  8. Arabic
  9. Bengal
  10. English
  11. Esperanto
  12. French
  13. German
  14. Greek
  15. Hebrew
  16. Hindi
  17. Quechua
  18. Japanese
  19. Laidin
  20. Russian
  21. Sanskrit
  22. Spanish
  23. Chinese (deleted Mandalin, because it is a dialect of Chinese)
  24. Tamil
  25. Turkish
  26. Swahili
  27. !Xóõ


[deasaich an tùs]

also civil engeering

  1. Architecture
  2. Arch
  3. Bridge
  4. Canal
  5. Dam
  6. Dome
  7. Nail
  8. Tower


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Mathematics
  2. Algebra
  3. Axiom
  4. Calculus
    1. Integration
    2. Differentiation
  5. Geometry
    1. Circle
      1. Pi
    2. Square
    3. Triangle
  6. Group theory
  7. Mathematical logic
  8. Mathematical proof
    1. Proof by deduction
    2. Proof by induction
    3. Proof by contradiction
  9. Number
    1. Complex number
    2. Integer
    3. Natural number
    4. Prime number
    5. Rational number
  10. Infinity
  11. Set theory
  12. Statistics
  13. Trigonometry
  1. Arm
    1. Artillery
    2. Cavalry
    3. Infantry
  2. Cabhlach
  3. Airforce
  1. Sport
  2. Olympics
  3. Football World Cup
  4. Athletics
  5. Badminton
  6. Baseball
  7. Basketball
  8. Criogaid
  9. Fencing
  10. Ice hockey
  11. Judo
  12. Motor racing
  13. rugbaidh
  14. Ball-coise
  15. Tennis
  16. Volleyball
  17. Waterpolo
  18. Wrestling
  1. Manufacturing
  2. Mining
  3. Refining


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Computer
    1. Processor
    2. RAM
    3. Motherboard
    4. Hard disk
    5. Boot loader
  2. Artificial Intelligence
  3. Computer science
    1. Algorithm
  4. Operating system
    1. Microsoft Windows
    2. Mac OS
    3. Linux
    4. Unix
  5. Programming language
    1. C
    2. Java
    3. Pascal
    4. PHP
  6. Software
  7. User interface
    1. Mouse
    2. Keyboard
    3. Monitor

Teicneòlas cumanta

[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Coinage
  2. Combustion engine
  3. Innleadaireachd
  4. Teine
  5. Claon Bhòrd
  6. Luamhan
  7. Metallurgy
  8. Clò-bhualadh
  9. Ulag
  10. Bidhid
  11. Inneal stoithe
  12. Geinne
  13. Cuibhle


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Letters / Aibidil
    1. Chinese character
    2. Cyrillic alphabet
    3. Greek alphabet
    4. Latin alphabet
    5. Literacy
  2. Information
  3. Internet
    1. E-mail
    2. Internet protocol
    3. TCP
    4. World Wide Web
      1. Web browser
    5. HTTP
    6. HTML
    7. Wiki
  4. Journalism
    1. Newspaper
    2. Mass media
    3. Radio
  5. Railroad
  6. Telegraph
  7. Telephone
    1. Mobile telephone
  8. Television
  9. Writing
  1. Neart Ath-Nuadhail
    1. Lùth na Greine
    2. Dealan-Uisge
    3. Cumhachd na Gaoithe
    4. Cumhachd na Mara
    5. Bith-Chonnadh
  2. Depletable sources and fossil fuels
    1. Gual
    2. Gas
    3. Ola
    4. Nuicleusachd


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Electronics
    1. Voltage
    2. Srùth-Dhealain
    3. Charge
    4. Minigead
    5. Phase
    6. Bacadh
    7. Reactance
    8. Inductance
    9. Caileas
    10. Gain
  2. Mirean
    1. Transistor
    2. Diode
    3. Bacadair
    4. Capacitor
    5. Iompaichear
    6. Inductor


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Glass
  2. Paper
  3. Plastic
  1. Comhdhail
  2. Itealan
  3. Carbad
  4. Rothaire
  5. Bàta
  6. Long
  7. Rathad-iarainn
  1. Tuagh
  2. Explosives
  3. Firearms
  4. Fudar Dubh
  5. Machine gun
  6. Martial arts (i.e. one's own body as a weapon)
  7. Nuclear weapon
  8. claidheamh
  9. Tanca (carbad)


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Avalanche
  2. Earthquake
  3. Tuill
  4. Hurricane
  5. Nuclear meltdown
  6. Tsunami
  7. Maom Sleibh


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Philosophy
  2. Western philosophy
  3. Eastern philosophy
  4. Scientific method
  5. Beauty
  6. Ethics
  7. Existence
  8. Experience
  9. Knowledge
  10. Moral (or Morality)
  11. Logic
  12. Am Firinn


[deasaich an tùs]
  1. Economics
  2. Money
  3. Solaraicheas & Feille
  4. Margaid
  5. Calpa
  6. Meanbh-Eaconomas
  7. Macro-Eaconomas
If you support this effort, please add to the list. We can then decide what the basic sentences can be for each article.

Faic cuideachd

[deasaich an tùs]