Deasbaireachd a' chleachdaiche:CreagNamBathais
20181230 - Failte Chailean (Colin), Moran Taing airson do theachaire brosnachail. Cheannaich mi leabhar teagaisg airson a' bhocsa-phutain (airson puirt-fidhle a bha mi ag iarraidh)an trup mu dheireadh a bha mi an Inbhir Nis. Beagan as deidh sin dh'fhuair mi greim air seann bhocsa-chiuil agus b'fheudar dhomh deanamh beagan caradh dha. Airson an aobhar sin tha mi air deanamh cuid rannsachadh o chionn ghoirid. Lorg mi "bogsa-ciuil" air An Uicipeid ach chan fhaca mi an litricheadh sin (bogsa) riamh roimhe. Is e "stub" a tha anns an alt sin aig an ire seo, ach stub nach gabh leasachadh gu nadurra. Tha mi ag obair air aiste steidhichte air an stub a sgriobh mi fhein agus nuair a tha e beagan nas leasaichte tha mi ag amas a bhi ga fhoillseachadh air an Uicipeid. Mholainn cuir às de "bogsa-ciuil" as deidh sin. Anns an eadar am, tha foir-dhealbh ana-mhath de modh obraichaidh na ciste-treble (Bocsa-phiano) air Uicipeid na Beurla. Bu mhiann leam sin a chuir air an Uicipeid ach le ainmean Gaidhlig air na mirean. Gu duilich chan eil fios agam ciamar a dheanainn sin. Le Meas, Padruig.
Hi, fàilte an seo. Is dòcha gu bheil na duilleagan seo cuideachail dhut.--Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 17:38, 31 dhen Mhàrt 2015 (UTC)
Chemistry; Wikimedia UK
As discussed:
Cheers, Pigsonthewing (an deasbaireachd) 14:59, 21 dhen Ghiblean 2015 (UTC)
Mòran taing...
... airson na deagh obrach a tha thu a' dèanamh air na h-eileamaidean ceimigeach! Le dheagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 21:33, 29 dhen Ògmhios 2015 (UTC)
- Tha mi ag aontachadh gu mór. Tha thu a’ dèanamh obair-iongantach air na h-eileamaidean agus luchd-poileataigs na h-Alban agus a h-uile rud. --Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 19:47, 15 dhen Fhaoilleach 2016 (UTC)
- Tapaidh leibh a Shionnach agus a Chaoimhin! --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 18:16, 17 dhen Fhaoilleach 2016 (UTC)
Mòran taing airson sgioblachadh cuid de na seann aistean mu na h-oilthighean! Air sgàth 's gun do mhothaich mi rud neo dà nach robh a' coimhead cho math leis an Teamplaid:Oilthigh, leasaich mi an teamplaid agad. 'S e sin daonnan an trioblaid ma bhios pàirt den teamplaid a' crochadh air rudeigin bho Uici Beurla, rudeigin nach eil stèidhichte an seo:-(. Chì thu e mar a tha e ag obrachadh a-nis ma bhriogas tu air "deasaich an tùs". Mar is trice ni mi dìreach copy is paste de na rudan feumail bho theamplaidean eile, leithid Teamplaid:Baile. A bheil thu fhèin eòlach air stuth mar sin? Bhiodh sin sgoinneil. Co-dhiù, taing mhòr a-rithist, tha fios agam gu bheil sgioblachadh mar seo a' toirt ùine fhada, ach air an làimh eile tha e glè mhath, ma bhios na duilleagan an seo a' coimhead nas fheàrr! Le deagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 17:46, 16 dhen Lùnastal 2015 (UTC)
- Glè fheumail! Moran taing. --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 07:03, 17 dhen Lùnastal 2015 (UTC)
Hi, you speak Irish, Manx, Scottish Gaelic? Can you translate something for me to those language(s)?
{{SITENAME}} has '''[[Special:NewPages|{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}]]''' {{PLURAL:{{NUMBEROFARTICLES}}|article|articles}}, '''[[Special:Statistics|{{NUMBEROFEDITS}}]]''' {{PLURAL:{{NUMBEROFEDITS}}|edit|edits}} and '''[[Special:ActiveUsers|{{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}}]]''' {{PLURAL:{{NUMBEROFACTIVEUSERS}}|user|users}} active in the recent month. Auto-refresh/Automatic actualisation May the Force be with you!
-XQV- (an deasbaireachd) 19:21, 8 dhen Ghearrain 2016 (UTC)
Iarrtas airson Taic, cuiribh
A Dhuin Uasail,
Dh'fhaodadh sibh, cuiribh mo chuideachadh an socraicheadh an gràmar mearachdan an artaigil seo?
Cuideachadh sam bith a bhiodh a 'cur luach taing, tapadh leibh. --Philip J (an deasbaireachd) 04:36, 20 dhen Ghearran 2016 (UTC)
- Hi CreagNamBathais,
- I have reverted that article back to the Pre-2016 version which DOES NOT contain any automated machine translation from google translate. Your previous reason for deleting the article was that it contained grammatical mistakes from google translate (which had only been added during Feb 2016).
Those automated translations no longer exist on that article and furthermore citations have now been referenced. --Philip J (an deasbaireachd) 03:00, 2 dhen Fhaoilleach 2024 (UTC)
- Also for your information, this church has existed in Scotland since 1973 refer to this page. --Philip J (an deasbaireachd) 03:06, 2 dhen Fhaoilleach 2024 (UTC)
Hi Colin,
Dìreach puing bheag bhìodach. Ghluais thu Sanndaigh chun an Eilean Gainmhich. Saoil, am biodh tu cho coibhneil na tùsan agad a chur ris an aiste fhèin cuideachd? Le sin bhiodh e nas fhasa don a h-uile duine na dà ainm a thuigsinn seach a bhith gan lorg ann an eachdraidh na h-aiste. Mòran taing --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 07:19, 14 dhen Lùnastal 2016 (UTC)
(PS: Is toil leam an obair a tha thu a' dèanamh an seo gu mòr!)
- Ùps. Cuiridh mi an iomradh an-seo. Agus ma rognaicheas Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba ainm eile, ath-ainmichidh mi gu dearbh an aiste a-rithist.--CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 09:25, 14 dhen Lùnastal 2016 (UTC)
- Sgoinneil, taing mhòr, gu sònraichte airson an iomraidh bho Iain Latharna Caimbeul! --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 19:42, 15 dhen Lùnastal 2016 (UTC)
Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey
Hello! The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey. We want to know how well we are supporting your work on and off wiki, and how we can change or improve things in the future.[survey 1] The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation. You have been randomly selected to take this survey as we would like to hear from your Wikimedia community. To say thank you for your time, we are giving away 20 Wikimedia T-shirts to randomly selected people who take the survey.[survey 2] The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes.
You can find more information about this project. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement. Please visit our frequently asked questions page to find more information about this survey. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email to
Thank you! --EGalvez (WMF) (talk) 22:23, 13 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
- ↑ This survey is primarily meant to get feedback on the Wikimedia Foundation's current work, not long-term strategy.
- ↑ Legal stuff: No purchase necessary. Must be the age of majority to participate. Sponsored by the Wikimedia Foundation located at 149 New Montgomery, San Francisco, CA, USA, 94105. Ends January 31, 2017. Void where prohibited. Click here for contest rules.
A charaid,
Thathas a' beachdachadh air 'sandbox' a chur an gnìomh air an Uici. Chì thu an seo am fear a th' agam air Uici na Beurla.
Ma tha thu toilichte gun tèid 'sandbox' a chur an gnìomh, nach cuir thu d' ainm sìos air a' bhòt an seo.
Cuideachd, an dèan thu bhòt airson ainm Gàidhlig a chur air 'sandbox' as dèidh an deasbaid an seo.
Airson d' ainm a chur sìos, cuir rionnag (*) agus ceithir tilde (Emain Macha (an deasbaireachd) 15:11, 18 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)) a-steach agus chithear d' ainm agus stampa-tìde 'na àite an uairsin. Dùinidh am bhòtadh Dihaoine.
Mòran taing, Emain Macha (an deasbaireachd) 15:11, 18 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
- Halò. Tha mi air bhòtadh a-nis. --22:30, 18 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
Sgioblachadh bailtean na h-Alba
Hi CreagNamBathais, chunnaic mi gun robh thu trang a bhith a' sgioblachadh nam bailtean ann an Alba. Is dòcha gu bheil an duilleag: Pròiseact sgioblachaidh feumail airson barrachd daoine a tharraing a-steach. Ma bhios ùidh agad, tha fàilte mhòr ort gus sgrìobhadh air an duilleig seo. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 13:57, 28 dhen Fhaoilleach 2017 (UTC)
Fhuair agus d' fhuair
Lorg mi mearachdan gu "faigh" ann an aistean agad. Tha an gnìomhair seo glè neo-chunbhalach: tha "fhuair", "an d' fhuair", agus "cha d' fhuair," m. e. GOC. Catrìona (an deasbaireachd) 23:00, 5 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
- Ùps. 'S dòcha sgrìobh mi "far an d' fhuair" agus dh'atharraich mi e ach cha sguab mi an "d'" às. --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 08:06, 8 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey
(Sorry to write in English)
Hello! This is a final reminder that the Wikimedia Foundation survey will close on 28 February, 2017 (23:59 UTC). The survey is available in various languages and will take between 20 and 40 minutes. Take the survey now.
If you already took the survey - thank you! We won't bother you again.
About this survey: You can find more information about this project here or you can read the frequently asked questions. This survey is hosted by a third-party service and governed by this privacy statement. If you need additional help, or if you wish to opt-out of future communications about this survey, send an email through EmailUser function to User:EGalvez (WMF). About the Wikimedia Foundation: The Wikimedia Foundation supports you by working on the software and technology to keep the sites fast, secure, and accessible, as well as supports Wikimedia programs and initiatives to expand access and support free knowledge globally. Thank you! --EGalvez (WMF) (talk) 08:09, 23 dhen Ghearran 2017 (UTC)
Ceit Fhoirbeis BPA
Haidh CreagNamBathais.
Seo brath thugad gum bi am BPA Ceit Fhoirbeis a' tadhal air Leabharlann Nàisteanta na h-Alba a-màireach. Bidh cothrom agam bruidhinn rithe a thaobh pròiseact an Uicipeidiche agus seallaidh mi dhi an duilleag mu a dheidhinn a thòisich thu fhèin! Bheir mi rabhadh dhi gun a bhith ga h-atharrachadh i fhèin ged-tà ;) Seallaidh mi dhi mar a dheasaicheas an Uici leis an eisimpleir Inbhir Pheofharain. --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 15:16, 22 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)
- Halò Susan.nls! Glè mhath! Mòran taing airson do bhrath! 'S dòcha bu choir dhomh ionnsachadh mar ìomhaighean mar a luchdadh suas! --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 21:59, 22 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)
- Chaidh e gu math. Tha mi a' smaointinn gun do chòrd e rithe. Cuiridh mi 'mar a chleachdar ìomhaighean' air an liosta-ri-dhèanamh agam airson stuthan trèanaidh. Leasan 1 - na cleachd càil aig nach eil cead fosgailte fo 'Creative Commons'! --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 14:12, 23 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)
- Ha! Smaoinich mi gun do dh'fhoillsich Pàrlamaid na h-Alba dealbhan fo OGL ach cha urrainn dhomh fianais a lorg. Ach 's e deagh naidheachd a th' ann mu thadhal Ceit Fhoirbeis! --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 20:09, 23 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)
- Deagh naidheachd gu dearbh --Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 20:04, 24 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)
- Ha! Smaoinich mi gun do dh'fhoillsich Pàrlamaid na h-Alba dealbhan fo OGL ach cha urrainn dhomh fianais a lorg. Ach 's e deagh naidheachd a th' ann mu thadhal Ceit Fhoirbeis! --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 20:09, 23 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)
- Chaidh e gu math. Tha mi a' smaointinn gun do chòrd e rithe. Cuiridh mi 'mar a chleachdar ìomhaighean' air an liosta-ri-dhèanamh agam airson stuthan trèanaidh. Leasan 1 - na cleachd càil aig nach eil cead fosgailte fo 'Creative Commons'! --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 14:12, 23 dhen Mhàrt 2017 (UTC)
You are invited!
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The Celtic Knot: Wikipedia Language Conference - Programme now live.
Stinglehammer (an deasbaireachd) 23:48, 16 dhen Chèitean 2017 (UTC)
An infobox ùr
Toilichte gu bheil an gleus ùr a' còrdadh riut :) Aon rud, can air Raibeart I na h-Alba, ma tha rud sa bhogsa (can Dunfermline Abbey) air nach eil Gàidhlig agus aig nach eil ceangal dìreach gu Wikidata, ma thèid thu gu Wikidata is ma chuireas tu Dunfermline Abbey dhan bhogsa-luirg, gheibh thu greim air far an urrainn dhut Gàidhlig a chur aig. Akerbeltz (an deasbaireachd) 11:03, 7 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- Mòran taing airson d' obair air an teamplaid seo... cha robh fhios agam gum b' urrainn dhomh an t-ainm Gàidhlig a dheasachadh ma dh' atharraicheas mi mo roghainnean cànan. Air Abaid Dhùn Phàrlain a chàradh an-dràsta! Mòran taing a-rithist agus tha mi glè thoilichte gun robh An Snaidhm Ceilteach ro thorrach airson Uicipeid. CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 20:34, 7 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- Uel, sheall na Basgaich dhuinn mar as urrainn dhuinn an obair aca-san a ghoid :D ach 's e dòigh shnasail a th' ann gun teagamh. Làn dòchais gun dèid agam air barrachd dhiubh a chruthachadh. Akerbeltz (an deasbaireachd) 22:42, 7 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
lùireach, gearradh-arm, seula, mapa and dealbh
I understand the meaning of the words, the only problem is most cities and towns in the US don't have flags and many don't have city seals. Who ever initially created the templets didn't realize that. I can't make the changes myself, otherwise I would do it. The only thing needed is to show where it is on the map and to present a picture of the city so the viewer can see what it looks like. If you can instruct me how to do it, then I will make the changes myself. Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 19:25, 11 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- If you put the image in the DEALBH field, the map in the MAPA field and leave LÙIREACH and LÙIREACH_LEUD blank then that would achieve your purpose. Incidentally, if you do not understand IPA, please do not do things like this: "Sioux Falls (IPA: /ʃɪˈkɑːgoʊ/))" because it just creates more work for everyone else to tidy up. CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 20:03, 11 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- By looking at your recent pages, Jhendin, it is clear that, at some point, the full template has become shortened. So, for example, the version you have in Pierre, Dakota a Deas doesn't have the DEALBH and GLACADH (caption) fields. Here is the full one below which I've added to Pierre, Dakota a Deas (also available at Teamplaid:Baile):
- {{Template:Baile
| AINM =
| MAPA =
| LEUD =
| FÒN =
- Thank you. This is the assistance I was asking for. I apologize if I was creating more work for others, but I'm just trying to help out. Now if someone could look at the template for the US states and make the corrections for where it gives you the "largest city" and the link for the web page we will be all set.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 22:53, 13 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- If you have a look at my corrections to Alasca, you will see that the page had "Baile nas motha" (bigger town) instead of "Baile as motha" (biggest town) and "Eadarlinn" (?) instead of "Eadar-lìon" (internet). I'm afraid the documentation was absolutely correct and the page was at fault. CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 06:50, 14 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
- Thank you. This is the assistance I was asking for. I apologize if I was creating more work for others, but I'm just trying to help out. Now if someone could look at the template for the US states and make the corrections for where it gives you the "largest city" and the link for the web page we will be all set.Jhendin (an deasbaireachd) 22:53, 13 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
I see that the template documentation could do with being updated too. I'll have a look at that next and if you'd like to take a look, CreagNamBathais, to see if my changes are clear & helpful, that would be appreciated. --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 07:49, 12 dhen Iuchar 2017 (UTC)
Ceachdadair > òraidiche
A charaid, lorg mi "ceachdadair" ann an grunn aistean. Cha b'aithne dhomh am facal idir. Ged a chunnaic mi gu bheil e san fhaclair, 's e "òraidiche" am facal a chì/chunnacas mi gu ruige seo. Dh'atharraich mi anns an h-aistean far an robh e, tha mi 'n dòchas gu bheil siud ceart gu leòr dhut. --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 15:46, 18 dhen t-Sultain 2017 (UTC)
- Deagh phuing agus mòran taing! Tha mi a' faicinn nach eil "ceachdadair" san faclair Robasdan agus Dòmhnallach agus tha mi a' càradh am facal "cheachdadair" a-nis. --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 06:54, 20 dhen t-Sultain 2017 (UTC)
Poileasaidh nan eileamaidean
Leathann ri leathann is caol ri caol nam bheachdsa - Feumaidh sinn a cleachdadh Gnàthachas litreachaidh na Gàidhlig (SQA: Tha fhios ‘am gun e faclan coimheach a tha ann an feadhainn de na eileamaidean, ach tha feadhainn eile gàidhealach, m.e. gualan no alman. Agus tha faclan coimheach nas duilghe a labhairt tha mi smaoineachadh. Ciara Ghunnach (an deasbaireachd)10:35, 26 dhen t-Sultain 2017 (UTC)
- Tha mi cinnteach gu bheil An Seotal a' tuigsinn GOC! Chan eil gach cleachdaiche an seo a' leantainn GOC gu lèir, m.e. Caoimhin agus Akerbeltz le "é" agus "ó". Cuiridh mi post-d gu An Seotal agus faighnichidh mi iad mu am poileasaidhean ann an ceimigeachd. CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 07:10, 28 dhen t-Sultain 2017 (UTC)
- Halò a chàirdean. Tapadh leibh airson ur cuid obrach air na h-eileamaidean! Tha na ceistean a tha sibh a' togail a' buntainn ri ceistean mòra a thaobh litreachadh na Gàidhlig. Thòisich mi air dreachd air Poileasaidh Cànain air Litreachadh. Bhiodh e math ur beachdan fhaighinn air.
- A thaobh GOC ged-tà agus 'leathan ri leathan', tha GOC ag ràdh nach fheum an 'riaghailt' a chleachdadh le faclan-iasaid. Chìthear sin air duilleag 2 de GOC (en agus gd) far a bheil e ag ràdh gu bheil 'saoradh bhon riaghailt seo ... an co-cheangal ri cuid de dh’fhacail-iasaid, me mosgìoto, soircas, telefòn'. Mar a tha sibh a' dèanamh, tha iomraidhean bho thùsan leithid An Seòtal agus Am Faclair Beag air Liosta nan Eileamaidean gu math feumail! --Susan.nls (an deasbaireachd) 13:14, 29 dhen t-Sultain 2017 (UTC)
Galicia 15 - 15 Challenge
Wikipedia:Galicia 15 - 15 Challenge is a public writing competition which will improve improve and translate this list of 15 really important articles into as many languages as possible. Everybody can help in any language to collaborate on writing and/or translating articles related to Galicia. To participate you just need to sign up here. Thank you very much.--Breogan2008 (talk) 13:53, 12 March 2018 (UTC)
Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey
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Reminder: Share your feedback in this Wikimedia survey
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Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey
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Many thanks for your contributions to English Wikipedia
Tha feum mòr againn airson ainm Beurla gu bhith air gach baile.- 15:29, 29 dhen Fhaoilleach 2019 (UTC)
- Mòran taing airson do ùidh ann an Uicipeid. Tha mi a' leantail nam molaidhean Ainmean-Àite na h-Alba agus mura h-eil cruth Gàidhlig ann, 's dòcha tha cruth Gàidhlig ann an tùs freagarrach mar am Faclair Beag no Stòr-dàta Briathrachais Gàidhlig. Ma chuireas sibh ainm Gàidhlig ri duilleag, feumaidh sibh iomradh air tùs freagarrach a thoirt cuideachd. --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 20:05, 29 dhen Fhaoilleach 2019 (UTC)
Hi! I deleted Salah Osman. If the user I linked in the subject of this section creates it again, or continues editing disruptively, please let me know by leaving a message on my talk page as it seems both of this wiki's administrators are not active. Thank you, Vermont (an deasbaireachd) 20:27, 17 dhen Chèitean 2020 (UTC)
Universal Code of Conduct
Hi CreagNamBathais
I was asked by Wikimedia Foundation to promote this call for participation on the planned Universal Code of Conduct.
Best regards --Holder (an deasbaireachd) 04:26, 14 dhen Lùnastal 2020 (UTC)
At times, our contributor communities and projects have suffered from a lack of guidelines that can help us together create an environment where free knowledge can be shared safely without fear.
There has been talk about the need for a global set of conduct rules in different communities over time. Recently, Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees announced a Community Culture Statement, asking for new standards to address harassment and promote inclusivity across projects. [1]
The universal code of conduct will be a binding minimum set of standards across all Wikimedia projects, and will apply to all of us, staff and volunteers alike, all around the globe.. It is of great importance that we all participate in expressing our opinions and thoughts about UCoC and its values. We should think about what we want it to cover or include and what it shouldn’t include, and how it may create difficulties or help our groups.
This is the time to talk about it. Before starting drafting the code of conduct, we would like to hear from you and to solicit the opinions and feedback of your colleagues.
In order for your voice to be heard, we encourage and invite you to read more about the universal code of conduct (UCoC) [2] and then write down your opinions or feedback on the discussion page [3]. To reduce language barriers during the process, you are welcomed to translate the universal code of conduct english main page into your respective local language [4]. You and your community may choose to provide your opinions/feedback using your local languages.
Cha bu chòir dhuibh a' crochadh air "Ainmean Àite na h-Alba". Chaith iad airgead mar quango math, ach cha do leugh iad rud sam bith, mar Peadarsan, Mac an Tàilleir, Nicolaisen msa. Neo leabhraichean-eachdraidh. Oifigeil =/= maighstireil.- 21:44, 17 dhen Dùbhlachd 2020 (UTC)
Deleted articles
I saw a few articles have been deleted recently, along with templates. Though, there are still templates not deleted that are still only in English left by So, should the remaining templates be deleted? However, about the articles, I know about three of them: Liv and Maddie, Mickey Mouse, and Garfield. Could they be recreated with better content? From the looks of things, they must have been made with Google translate, but I know what Liv and Maddie was supposed to say. Liv and Maddie is an American teen comedy television series created by John D. Beck and Ron Hart that originally aired on Disney Channel from July 19, 2013 to March 24, 2017. It was called Liv and Maddie: Cali Style in its fourth season. It stars Dove Cameron as identical twin sisters. Another one of the articles, Gleann Tanar, I found already exists in English as Glen Tanar. This is what I found about it: Glen Tanar (Scottish Gaelic: Gleann Tanar) is a glen in Aberdeenshire, eastern Scotland, through which the Water of Tanar flows. Near the mouth of the glen, at Tower o' Ess, the Water of Tanar flows into the River Dee. Then for Mickey Mouse, it was supposed to say: Mickey Mouse is a cartoon character created in 1928 by The Walt Disney Company, who also serves as the brand's mascot. An anthropomorphic mouse who typically wears red shorts, large yellow shoes, and white gloves, Mickey is one of the world's most recognizable fictional characters. And for Garfield, it was supposed to say: Garfield is an American comic strip created by Jim Davis. It chronicles the life of the title character, Garfield the cat; Jon Arbuckle, his human owner; and Odie, the dog. But for the templates, for example Teamplaid:The Brave Little Toaster exists but not The Brave Little Toaster about the main topic (the movie of this name). However, I will start a stub on that movie. It's an American animated film from 1987. That stub will be based on The Jungle Book (film 1967). Speaking of which, shouldn't The Jungle Book be about the original story? It left over a redirect when I moved it, but I don't know what to write in the book's article. There should be an article about the book of Charlotte's Web as well. Again, redirects to the animated movie based on it. I would write something about it, but I don't know what to write. So I ask for help on this. Thank you. I like peace and quiet (an deasbaireachd) 22:38, 30 dhen Chèitean 2021 (UTC)
- I saw SpongeBob SquarePants was created by a globally locked LTA (long-term abuse). It looks like another Google Translate article. Teamplaid:Ping, does anything in this section interest you? 2600:1700:53F0:AD70:7817:2DF7:EF56:A2CE 22:51, 22 dhen Ghearran 2022 (UTC)
How we will see unregistered users
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18:15, 4 dhen Fhaoilleach 2022 (UTC)
Hi there
Apologies for the Beurla. My name is Alison - I'm a 'crat and admin on the Irish Language Wikipedia, and am fluent in Irish and English (but not Ghàidhlig). Just looking at your main page, and wondering if I could take a crack at cleaning it up a little? Over the past 15 years, I did a bunch of work on our own mainpage and it's working pretty well, including an "on this day" section, best-of image, etc. Take a look, and if anything looks good, I'm happy to put some work into the main page here. Anyways - let me know what you think. Le gach dea-ghuí - Alison ❤ 04:40, 11 dhen Chèitean 2022 (UTC)
- The links section at the bottom is a right bourach - just straight away I notice that Foghlam and Teagasg link to the same page, for example. You will see the "on this day" section is there already. How does the best-image work? Le meas, --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 07:14, 11 dhen Chèitean 2022 (UTC)
Celtic Editathon
Ciamar a tha thu?
Thanks for contributing to the Celtic Editathon, which runs till the end of September. Great stuff! If you're not in the email group, just email me and I'll add your name. There will be a Zoom meeting in the next few days. Tìoraidh ma-tha! Robin / Llywelyn2000 (an deasbaireachd) 08:48, 8 dhen t-Sultain 2022 (UTC)
- A Robin! Dè do chor? I am on the mailing list already and am slowly contributing items while trying to fill out the very scanty coverage of the Highlands! --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 20:51, 13 dhen t-Sultain 2022 (UTC)
- Wonderful!
Many, warmest thanks to you for your contributions to the Celtic Editathon on Meta. This barnstar is also for your tireless contributions over many years! We do appreciate it! Llywelyn2000 (an deasbaireachd) 11:45, 4 dhen Dàmhair 2022 (UTC)
Hi, could you please review these deletion requests? Rschen7754 20:53, 8 dhen Dàmhair 2022 (UTC)
- Done! Thanks for the reminder. --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 10:38, 9 dhen Dàmhair 2022 (UTC)
Invitation to Rejoin the Healthcare Translation Task Force
You have been a medical translators within Wikipedia. We have recently relaunched our efforts and invite you to join the new process. Let me know if you have questions. Best Doc James (talk · contribs · email) 12:34, 2 August 2023 (UTC)
Fergie Dòmhnallach
Dh’atharraich mi Wikidata (latha-breithe, latha-bàis) airson Fergie, ged nach eil mi làn chinnteach fhathast gur ann an-diugh a chaochaill e. Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 19:49, 23 dhen Ghiblean 2024 (UTC)
- Chaochail e an-diugh a rèir am P&J: Taing mhòr! CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 19:52, 23 dhen Ghiblean 2024 (UTC)
- Seadh, agus a réir brath bhon teaghlach air Facebook an-diugh. Taing a Chailein. Caoimhin (an deasbaireachd) 11:39, 24 dhen Ghiblean 2024 (UTC)