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Deasbaireachd a' chleachdaiche:Ériugena

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O Uicipeid

Halò Ériugena!

Air an duilleag seo: https://gd.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miche%C3%A1l_%C3%93_hAirtn%C3%A9ide, na sgriobh "a ’bruidhinn" ach "a' bruidhinn". Seo fianais uabhasach làidir gun do chleachd thu Google Translate, is sin fìor dhona. Mòran taing. --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 19:21, 1 dhen t-Samhain 2020 (UTC)[reply]

na sgriobh "a ’bruidhinn" ach "a' bruidhinn"

[deasaich an tùs]

Thank you for your generous and encouraging comments!(above)

Recently, I noticed that the gd version of wikipedia seemed to be in need of more support (Gaeilge na hÉireann (ga): 1000, y Gymraeg (cy) :4500, Gàidhlig na hAlba: 76 (Ref:Wikimedia Statistics 02/11/2020: Edited Pages 12 Mth. Average (Oct 2019 - Sep 2020)), so I thought, (maybe naïvely) that I could help and encourage others to do likewise.

In Ireland, our Gaelic has suffered a relentless decline in the 20 century, despite devolution and partial independence from the rest of the United Kingdom. I dare say that there is now less than 20K native speakers left, and so the language, if it is to grow and prosper, is reliant on non-native speakers (like me) who acquired various levels of language fluency during their school years.

Maybe, this is why the Vicipéid has a policy of welcoming and encouraging new editors, who may not have a high standard of fluency, but who are prepared to 'up-skill' as they progress.

If needed the tag Teamplaid:Glanadh-mar is placed on some articles (See: For example: \Osraí: c ). This gives a new editor a chance to revise hs/her work and/or other experienced editors to do it for them.

In my case, I speak Gaelic daily and have brought up my children to be at least bilingual and have spent time in Scotland trying to learn your variety of Gaelic (Sabhal Mòr Ostaig and Comhairle nan Eilean Siar)

Unless there is a change in your policy/attitude I will no longer add to gd but will continue to translate articles from gd to ga.

Fuirich sabhailte agus leth-chiallach

Mòran taing

Éamonn Ó Gribín (Ériugena)

P.S. No, I did not use googletranslate to write this ...so as not to upset your sensibilities!

We welcome all contributions that have been written in Gaelic by a human being but Google Translate does not provide Gaelic of a suitable standard, and has some very obvious "tells" that learners must be able to recognise before they can make a useful contribution. You must not post machine-translated material unless you are confident of what it says and how it says it! The rest of us are not here to clean up Google's terrible handiwork. See also https://gd.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teamplaid:Google_Translate/tro_ch%C3%A8ile%3F --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 12:41, 5 dhen t-Samhain 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Go raibh maith agat as do theachtaireacht.. ach faraor, ní aontaím le tuairim fhollasach s'agtsa maidir le háisiúlacht google translate nó le diúltú s'agatsa fáilte a chur roimh eagarthóirí nach cainteoirí líofa, nó dúchasacha iad.

Tá an baol ann go dtitfidh áit na Uicipeid (gd) faoi bhun 187 roimh i bhfad... (Féach: an riocht atá ag 'Gaeilge Mhanann' anois), ach tá súil agam go ndéanfaidh tú féin agus daoine eile a bhfuil baint acu leis an tionscadal seo athmhachnamh ar do 'modus operandi' roimh Là Luain.

(Tagairt: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedias 61 Cymraeg (An Bhreatnais), 81 Brezhoneg (An Bhriotáinis), 93 Gaeilge na hÉireann, 125 Gaeilge na hAlban, 187 Gaeilge Mhanann, 198 Kernewek (An Choirnis) Ériugena (an deasbaireachd) 16:57, 5 dhen t-Samhain 2020 (UTC)[reply]

Na h-Eileanan Ni'a Lagha?

[deasaich an tùs]

That's a weird translation of "The Lesser Islands", except it's lugha not lagha nowadays and it would be nas or na bu depending on the tense. If you're going to rename pages please consult a contemporary dictionary! --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 07:37, 17 dhen Chèitean 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Sgrìobh thugam sa Ghàidhlig mas e do thoil e! Ériugena (an deasbaireachd) 16:33, 17 dhen Chèitean 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Seo Gàidhlig: chan ann co-fhacal air "deugaire" a tha ann an "òigeachd" oir 's e ainmear easchruthach a tha ann an "òigeachd". Agus 's e seòrsa de dh'each a tha ann an òigeach! --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 20:13, 17 dhen Chèitean 2022 (UTC)[reply]

òigeachd /ɔːgʲəxg/
boir. neo-ath.
adolescence Ériugena (an deasbaireachd) 20:46, 17 dhen Chèitean 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Seo an duilgheadas: bha an ceangal eadar-uicidh ceàrr! --CreagNamBathais (an deasbaireachd) 06:06, 18 dhen Chèitean 2022 (UTC)[reply]
Feumaidh mi aontachadh riut! Ériugena (an deasbaireachd) 14:03, 18 dhen Chèitean 2022 (UTC)[reply]