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Uicipeid:Oisean an Luchd-tòiseachaidh

O Uicipeid

Fàilte gu oisean an luchd-tòiseachaidh / Welcome to the learners' corner

The aim of this page is to help those who are not yet proficient in reading and writing Scottish Gaelic to make a contribution to Uicipeid. Please discuss in the talk page any changes or additions that would be useful.

Uicipeid for Gaelic learners

[deasaich an tùs]

Obviously much of the work in writing an encyclopedia in Scottish Gaelic needs to be done by people who are proficient in writing Scottish Gaelic. However, not every task requires the ability to compose whole paragraphs of fluent text. The list below contains suggestions of tasks where you can usefully help while your writing skills or your knowledge of Gaelic improves.

If you speak Gaelic fluently, but aren’t familiar with reading and writing it, Uicipeid can be a place for you to develop your skills; getting familiar with reading and trying out writing a few words at a time. Each registered editor also has their own ‘raon-cluiche’ or play area where you can try things out then have a more experienced editor check your writing over before it goes onto the main Wiki pages. The same generally applies if you are at the intermediate stages of learning the language.

If you can identify specific tasks where learners of the language can usefully help, then please suggest them in the talk page.

Most learners of Gaelic also have English, but if you think a version of this page in another language would be useful, please also suggest it in the talk page.

Interface language

[deasaich an tùs]

You might prefer to change the language of the interface while you get familiar with how Uicipeid works. You will need to have a Uicipeid account to personalise your settings.

  • Go to Na roghainnean agam > look for the section on Cànan > next to Cànan, choose the language for the interface: en - English or other. To save the change, scroll to the bottom and click on Sabhail.

General advice

[deasaich an tùs]
  • Please do not use Google Translate or other machine translation services as they do not create coherent Gaelic.

Obair an luchd-tòiseachaidh: Tasks for learners

[deasaich an tùs]

Language learning

[deasaich an tùs]

If you are at the intermediate stages of language learning, these tasks might suit you.

  • Adding references to reliable sources (whether in Gaelic or other relevant languages)
  • Adding external links (Ceanglaichean a-mach) to other relevant information (particularly in Gaelic)
  • Adding bibliographic information to authors' pages on their writings
  • Adding photographs: see Wikimedia Commons
  • Updating country infoboxes, e.g. national leaders

Getting familiar with reading and writing

[deasaich an tùs]

If you are getting familiar with reading Gaelic, and are learning to write, these task might suit you.

  • Adding references to reliable sources (whether in Gaelic or other relevant languages)
  • Updating country infoboxes, e.g. national leaders
  • Adding categories to uncategorized articles, templates and files
  • Adding external links (Ceanglaichean a-mach) to other relevant information (particularly in Gaelic)

If you are familiar with Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects

[deasaich an tùs]

Resources for learners

[deasaich an tùs]