- For more details on this topic, see [[{{{1}}}]].
It has been suggested that further be merged into this page or section. (Discuss) {{details}} is used to make summary style explicit.
- article is the name of an article with more detail on the subject.
- on is optionally what the article gives more details on, replacing 'this topic'
Use in a section for which there is also a separate article on the subject.
See also
{{Cat also}} is used for small sets of see also (list of other categories) for information in the end of text on category pages or talk pages, etc. "The main article for this category is..."
as above but for when articles end in a full stop
as above but for more than one article
- -- e.g. - {{Further|A|B|C}} -->
- Further information: A
, to use when you have more than one main article.
- -- e.g. - {{main|A|B|C}} -->
English language Wikipedia Naming conventions compliant inside articles.
, to use when you have more than one main article, primarily for use in category text, not Wikipedia
"For a more comprehensive list, see..."
{{See}}(deprecated - use {{Further}})Tha an docamaideadh gu h-àrd ga thar-ghabhail o Teamplaid:Details/doc. (deasaich | history)
- 'S urrainn do dheasaichean rudan fheuchainn ann am template's bogsa-gainmhich (cruthaich | mirror) agus air duilleagan deuchainnean (cruthaich).
- Ma tha thu ag obair air teamplaid ùr, tha bogsaichean-gainmhich ri fhaighinn dhaibh cuideachd (x1 – x2 – x3).
- Cuir roinnean-seòrsa agus eadar-uicipeidean ris an fho-dhuilleag /doc. Fo-dhuilleagan na teamplaid seo.