An diofar eadar na mùthaidhean a rinneadh air "Deasbaireachd a' chleachdaiche:Akerbeltz"

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Loidhne 265: Loidhne 265:

I'd be more than happy to do that. Do you want a handfull of pagenames so you can test? [[Cleachdaiche:Akerbeltz|Akerbeltz]] ([[Deasbaireachd a' chleachdaiche:Akerbeltz|talk]]) 09:35, 17 dhen Ghiblean 2013 (UTC)
I'd be more than happy to do that. Do you want a handfull of pagenames so you can test? [[Cleachdaiche:Akerbeltz|Akerbeltz]] ([[Deasbaireachd a' chleachdaiche:Akerbeltz|talk]]) 09:35, 17 dhen Ghiblean 2013 (UTC)

== Tiorma ==

Haigh, dè tha [ ceàrr] leis a' chruth seo? Tha e anns AFB, ann am Mark, ann AmBaile... --[[Cleachdaiche:Thrissel|Thrissel]] ([[Deasbaireachd a' chleachdaiche:Thrissel|talk]]) 16:13, 28 dhen Ghiblean 2013 (UTC)

Mùthadh on 16:13, 28 dhen Ghiblean 2013

Hi Akerbeltz,
Fàilte an seo! 'S e liosta gu math inntinneach a tha air an duilleig agad. Is dòcha gu bheil an Category:Cànanachas feumail dhut.
Le deagh dhùrachdan --Sionnach 21:36, 10 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Taing ;) Sin an liosta bh' agam air Wiki na Beurla 's on a th' ùidh agam sna dearbh chuspairean fhathast, rinn mi lethbhreac dhiubh! Akerbeltz 00:10, 11 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)


Hi Akerbeltz, tha mi duilich nach robh mi ann airson greiseig, ach bha mi gu math trang anns an “real Live”. Is math a rinn thu air an Translate Wiki agus ni mi beagan sgioblachaidh an seo, an uair sin bidh na h-atharrachaidean a rinn thu a’ nochdadh an seo cuideachd.
Rud-eigin eile: Bu toil leam an extension "Book collection" a chur ri Wiki Gàidhlig cuideachd. Ach airson sin a dhèanamh, feumaidh “community vote” a bhith ann. Bhiodh e sgoinneil, nan cuireadh tu d’ ainm sìos an seo. Dùrachdan --Sionnach 07:07, 21 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Chuir agus na gabh dragh - bidh iomadh rud a' cur orm fhéin cuideachd. Cumaidh mi orm le TranslateWiki ged nach urra dhomh gealladh a thoirt dé cho tric. Tha rud no dhà eile air a dh'fheumas mi crìoch a thoirt an toiseach, a' gabhail a-steach Firefox na Gàidhlig! Akerbeltz 13:40, 23 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)


Hi Akerbeltz, chunnaic mi am moladh a rinn thu air Doras na coimhearsnachd mu artagailean a chaidh an eadar-theangachadh. Uill, ann an Wiki Gearmailteach (agus feadhainn eile) chan eil e ceadaichte eadar-theangachaidhean a dhèanamh gun "Versions Import". Dh'fhosgail mi an Import ann an Wiki Gàidhlig cuideachd dà bhliadhna sa chaidh. Ach tha Wikis eile ag obair le templates (me: na Fraingich); gu h-àraidh leis a' chead ùr "Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0" tha cuisean fada nas fhasa a-nis. Mar sin tha mi a' dol leat gum bhiodh e ceart gu leòr dìreach "attribution note" a chur ris na artagailean. Thòisich mi air template ùr a chruthachadh, tha e an seo agus bidh e a' coimhead mar seo. Dè do bheachd? Saoil, am b' urrainn dhut cuideachd a thoirt dhomh leis an eadar-theangachadh? --Sionnach 08:59, 28 An Cèitean 2010 (UTC)

Ceist eile agam ort? A bharrachd air beagan ath-dheasbad air iolra na G, dé na co-phàirtean as cudromaiche a tha ri 'n eadar-theangachadh fo [1]? Thòisich mi air MediaWiki Most Used (ach an fheadhainn le iolra ann gus am bi co-dhùnadh againn; duilich gun do thòisich mi air a sin a-rithst ach chan eil am fuasgladh làithreach math) agus ar leam gum bu chòir dhomh sùil a thoirt air an fheadhainn eile ann an litrichean troma ach bu toigh leam a bhith cinnteach! Taing. Akerbeltz 11:59, 1 an t-Iuchar 2010 (UTC)
Sgoinneil, is math a rinn thu! 'S e MediaWiki Most Used an fheadhainn as cudromaiche, ach chuir mi post-d do Raymond gus faighinn a-mach dè cho cudromach a tha na co-phàirtean eile agus cuiridh fios thugad an uair sin.
Is toil leam an "decimal system" agad, 's e deagh cho-rèiteachadh a th' ann:-) --Sionnach 20:58, 1 an t-Iuchar 2010 (UTC)
Ceart ma-tha, bhruidhinn mi ri Raymond an-raoir. Thuirt e gur e "MediaWiki" am fear eile as cudromaiche a tha ri eadar-theangachadh. Na gabh dragh mu "MediaWiki 1.15" is "MediaWiki 1.16". Beannachdan --Sionnach 06:02, 6 an t-Iuchar 2010 (UTC)
Okilidokili, ceud taing dhan dithis agaibh! Akerbeltz 21:22, 6 an t-Iuchar 2010 (UTC)

eadar-theangachadh eile?

Saoil, ma bhios mionaid agad, an dean thu eadar-theangachadh eile air Template:Cc-by-sa-2.0? Bhiodh sin sgoinneil, air sgàth 's gu bheil suidheachadh nan dealbhan ann an droch staing. Dùrachdan --Sionnach 11:19, 28 dhen Fhaoilleach 2011 (UTC) PS: Ri taobh Uicipeid: Tha mi a' feitheamh ri freagairt bho system administators fhathast.[reply]

Tha seo dèanta agam cuideachd, eadar dà sgeul! Akerbeltz 19:25, 13 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)

nad rianaire?

Hi Akerbeltz,
Chunnaic mi gun do rinn thu obair mhòr air an Translate Wiki. Saoil, am bu toil leat a bhith nad rianaire an seo ann an Uicipeid Gàidhlig? Tha dhìth air sgioblachadh fhathast air Teachdaireachdan an t-siostaim. Is dòcha gum bi e nas fheàrr nam bhiodh tusa sin a dhèanamh air sgàth 's gu bheil thu eòlach air an t-siostam is na h-eadar-theangachaidhean. Dùrachdan --Sionnach 17:17, 13 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)

A Shionnaich, aidh, bhithinn-sa glè thoilichte sin a dhèanamh, a dà chuid an rianaireachd agus sgioblachadh nan sreathan ud! Akerbeltz 17:49, 13 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)
Meall do naidheachd, tha thu nad rianaire a-nis. Seall air an duilleag seo: Uicipeid:Administrators, tha barrachd fiosrachaidh ann (ach tha dhìth air eadar-theangachadh:-)). A thaobh Translate Wiki, tha naidheachd bho Raymond ann air an duilleig Gearmailteach agam a tha ag innse mu na h-eadar-theangachaidhean as cudromaiche.
Gun robh math agad :) Cuiridh agus cuiridh - bidh e math obair còmhla riut! Akerbeltz 19:24, 13 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)
Chunnaic mi gun robh thu trang an-diugh, math a rinn thu! Tha beachd agam mun duilleag MediaWiki:Help. Ged nach eil an facal "cobhair" ceàrr (mar a tha e a' nochdadh air do làimh chlì), tha mi fhìn den bheachd, is dòcha gu bheil am facal "cuideachadh" nas fhasa, nas tarraingiche do dhaoine ùra agus gu h-àraidh do luchd-ionnsachaidh. Dè do bheachd?--Sionnach 22:35, 14 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)

Agus rinn mi mearachd mhòr mu thràth - ach chaidh agam a chur ceart. Bha sreath ann a chur Prìomh-dhuilleag > Prìomh Dhuilleag 's cha robh fhios a'm gum biodh buaidh aige air a' phrìomh-dhuilleag 's chaidh e air falbh fad ùine ghoirid. Mo chreach! Cobhair/Cuideachadh - aidh, aisigidh mi sin, bidh mi cleachdadh Cobhair mar is trice a chionn 's gu bheil e nas giorra ach chan eil gainnead àite ann far a bheil e nochdadh an-seo. Akerbeltz 01:41, 15 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)

A, bha ceist eile agam. Rinn mi an fheadhainn air Teachdaireachdan an t-siostaim a bha ceart ach tha feadhainn ann a tha mearachdach fhathast ach chan urra dhomh greim fhaighinn orra san translatewiki, càite fon ghrèin a tha iad seo? Mar eisimpleir Ath-stiùireidhean dùbailte? Akerbeltz 01:50, 15 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)
A thaobh mhearachdan: Anns an liosta Teachdaireachdan an t-siostaim buail air an duilleig a tha thu a' lorg (m.e. "doubleredirects"). Nochdaidh e fo: MediaWiki:Doubleredirects. An uair sin cuir an dearbh ainm anns an inneal-lorg air Translate Wiki le "/gd" aig an deireadh agus seo e: Doubleredirects/gd --Sionnach 07:17, 15 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)
Cobhair/Cuideachadh: chan eil sin cho cudromach an-dràsta, fàgaidh mi sin gus am bi uine againn a bhith ag obair air duilleagan cuideachaidh:-).
MediaWiki:Mainpage: Chan eil dad de dh'fhios agam dè tha ceàrr le sin. Ma bhios rudeigin annasach mar seo a' tachairt nas trice, is dòcha gum bi e feumail gan cruinneachadh agus cuideachadh fhaighinn bho Raymond.--Sionnach 07:41, 15 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)
Ah ok, car toinnte ach tha 'g obair, taing mhòr! Cuiridh mi brath do Raymond co-dhiù, bha sin fìor neònach. Akerbeltz 11:51, 15 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)

Duilleag eile le trioblaid: Chuir mi an MediaWiki:Helppage air ais, gun an duilleig seo cha bhi an "Wikipedia Cheatsheet" a' nochdadh.--Sionnach 07:02, 17 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)

Teamplaid airson chànanan

Hi Akerbeltz, dh'fheuch mi dàthan diofraichte a chur ri Template:Cànan ach cha robh e ag obair-:(. Ach tha beachd eile agam: ma tha thu ag iarraidh dàthan eadar-dhealaichte airson nan cànanan eadar-dhealaichte a-rèir teaghlach-chànain, is dòcha gum bu chòir dhuinn teamplaidean a chruthachadh a-rèir an teaghlaich aca, le dàthan eadar-dhealaichte. Chì thu eisimpleirean an seo: Kölsch (a tha ceangailte leis an Teamplaid Cànan Ind-eòrpach) no Babine-Witsuwit'en (a tha ceangailte leis an Teamplaid Cànan Dené-Yeniseian). Is dòcha gum biodh sin nas fhasa na a bhith a' sabaid le teamplaidean Beurla. Dè do bheachd?--Sionnach 14:42, 26 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)

Hm chì sinn. Tha mi car trang an t-seachdain-sa ach cuiridh mi ceist air Raymond sa chiad dol a-mach, saoilidh mi. Chunna mi gun deach cha mhòr an dearbh theamplaid a stèidheachadh air grunn uicipeidean eile agus *feumaidh* gu bheil dòigh ann. Akerbeltz 11:30, 27 dhen Ghearrain 2011 (UTC)
Dìreach airson fios a chur thugad: Bhruidhinn mi ri fear an-dè aig a bheil eòlas gu mòr mu theamplaidean. Is dòcha gum faigh sinn cuideachadh leis na dathan. (Faic an seo) Le meas --Sionnach 22:48, 12 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]

An tuiseal roimhearach

Hi, re this: [2] - I don't want to sound like a smart-aleck layman ;-), but given that gu(s), mar, eadar, seach are followed by the nominative and rè, chur, thar, trìd (and compound prepositions) by the genitive, is "prepositional" such an improvement? AFAICT the original Latin meanings of grammmatical cases are often twisted in other languages too, eg in Czech you can say "thinking about a revolution" in two ways: "přemýšlet o revoluci " or "přemýšlet nad revolucí ". The sense is synonymous (to the extent to which any two differing expression can be synonymous), but in the first sentense you use the so-called locative and in the second the so-called instrumental. While in other sentences both o and nad cannot be followed by the "accusative"... I don't suggest any change to the article, I just wonder whether there's something I miss if I think that "tabhartach" is misleading but so is "roimhearach" and that Gaelic isn't the only language which just adapted some Latin terms for its own needs... --Thrissel 18:28, 15 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Heck no, I enjoy a good debate. You're right, there are "grey" preopositions but it's correct more often than not. I personally usually distinguish Gaelic prepositions (ro, tro, air, le...) from prepositonal phrases (air beulaibh, mu choinneamh) quite clearly because the latter involve a preposition and a noun.
Most of those you quoted actually fall into the second category too, just not so obviously: is technically a noun meaning "timespan" for one, trìd is a conjugated form and thus innately weird.
So there are words which actually are plain prepositions, there's "funny stuff" and nouns and noun phrases that act like prepositions. If you look at it that way, calling it the "prepositional case" (as long as we're clear that implies a simple, unadultered preposition") is correct more often that it is wrong, leaving only chun to be a headache but given the levelling that's currently going on, I don't think it'll be a headache for much longer! Akerbeltz 18:42, 15 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Ay, it then occurred to me that including the compound prepositions/prepositional phrases was highly disputable, but I didn't know that the others could be similar. I'm not certain though that like this you couldn't say that eg round or above are not "bona fide" prepositions either. In English it would make no difference, but I spent some time pondering over the Czech ones here, and sometimes I believe I can see the etymology myself and the case doesn't always fit the one you would use with the "original" word - I mean like this:
except (of) the mother - vyjma matky (gen) < vyjmout matku (accu) - exclude the mother
during the day - během dne (gen) < běh/běžet dnem (instr) - a run/to run through the day
I guess what I'm trying to get at is that the etymology doesn't seem to be necessarily relevant - on the other hand I have no way of knowing whether the above applies to any of the Gaelic "grey" prepositions.
And you're quite right about the "correct more often than wrong". I was wondering whether, if I go by the OED definition that the dative "denotes the indirect or more remote object of the action of a verb", this could not be said about the "dative" prepositions as a group either, but concluded that even if it could, it would be much less pronounced. Should have occurred to me - come to think of it, I once believed that whenever I was uncertain about which preposition to use, trying air was running the least risk of getting it wrong, and I'm not sure I was too far from the truth ;-) --Thrissel 21:58, 15 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]
The etymology is only relevant to a certain point in history I guess. After that, grammaticalisation sets in. Take "airson" which was a clear case of prep + noun + genitive. Today, it's heading straight for the prep + nom slope. I'm sure the Czech examples follow similar patterns broadly speaking.
"Air" is usually good in any agent ~ patient setting, which is probably why it's so common. Akerbeltz 00:44, 16 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]
Yes, broadly speaking they certainly do.
Thanks for the conversation, made me better realize some things I hadn't been consciously aware of before about Czech as well! --Thrissel 11:46, 16 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Ainmean nan dùthchannan

Hi Akerbeltz, bha deasbadan ann roimhe sin mu ainmean nan dùthchannan, chì thu e ann an :Talk:Dùthchannan an t-Saoghail, is dòcha gu bheil sin feumail dhut. Le meas --Sionnach 20:44, 28 dhen Mhàrt 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Thoisich mi airtigail air Noam Chomsky.

Hi Ackerbeltz,

An urrain dhaibh a'faicinn air? Mòran taing :-)

Seamusalba 09:31, 4 dhen Chèitean 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Cuiridh! Akerbeltz 19:31, 5 dhen Chèitean 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Tapadh leat :-) Seamusalba 16:32, 7 dhen Chèitean 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Lingua Franca Nova

Please, could you correct that article. I don't know very well Irish to create the article. If you want to translate any article to Spanish, tell it to me please.

I think you're on the wrong Wiki in that case - this is the Scots Gaelic wiki, not the Irish wiki! I think you want [3] :) Akerbeltz 14:15, 30 dhen Chèitean 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Neologisms needed

Hi there. Two days ago died my favourite Czech writer, so I wrote an article about him. I think I somehow got over most of the expressions I couldn't find translations for ("personality cult" as "bliadhnaichean adhradh Stalin" ⁊c). However, I'm not sure whether two things are understandable at all - leth-fhèin-eachdraidheil for "semi-autobiographic" and An t-Aotromachd Mhì-sho-fhulang de Bhith for The Unbearable Lightness of Being; and no way of dealing with totalitarian entered my head, so I simply left it there, italicized, in English. If you have better solutions, an edit would be highly appreciated! (Needless to say, you're heartily welcome to improving the rest of the article as well if you like to.) --Thrissel 22:45, 5 dhen Fhaoilleach 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Tha mi car trang an-dràsta fhèin ach bheir mi sùil air latha dhe na làithean! Akerbeltz 17:25, 6 dhen Fhaoilleach 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Tha sin ceart gu leòr, chan eil cabhag orm! --Thrissel 23:50, 6 dhen Fhaoilleach 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Fadag, & reul vs rionnag

Sorry, me again. I've two astronomical (no, just astronomic ;-)) problems:

  • Our Saideal nàdarrach redirects to Fadag, a word I didn't find elsewhere - do you think I'd better turn the redirecting in the opposite direction?
  • All my dictionaries have reul and rionnag as "star". However, our Reul boldly claims that "Tha rionnag agus reul gu tur eadar-dhealaichte. Chithear rionnag an luib an solais a tha i fhèin a' sgaoileadh. Chan fhaicear reul ach an luib solais a tha i a' tilgeil air ais bho rionnagan". To make it more complicated, the same author claims at Rionnag that "Tha rionnag na reul a tha nas lugha na fìor-reul". Hmm, a small star the light of which is reflected by a larger star... I would delete the two sentences from reul and change rionnag to redirect thereto, but I just thought I'd ask you to confirm my suspicion that the author was a poet before I start editing. Cheers, Thrissel 19:28, 23 dhen Fhaoilleach 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Fadag appears as a star-name for 4 stars of Orion. If it ever had a generic meaning, it's lost in time. Rionnag and reul(t)/reul(t)ag are more complicated. Reul(t) is the attested form for a star, rionnag comes from an old word which actually referred to a constellation, rather than a star but which has taken on (the -ag form) the meaning of star. Star and little star are correct interpretations I guess but I don't think those are scientific astronomical terms as the size of a start to the human eye is down to the distance of the star. My view if that we should stick all of them together - I started a merge section on the Reul page. Leanamaid oirnn ann, ok? Akerbeltz 19:03, 24 dhen Fhaoilleach 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Also starting a thread at Fadag you might want to watch. Akerbeltz 19:08, 24 dhen Fhaoilleach 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks. Yes, good idea. Somewhat busy today but hopefully I'll put my two pennies' worth to those talkpages tomorrow. --Thrissel 16:50, 25 dhen Fhaoilleach 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Mhothaich mi gun robh thu a' deasachadh Co-Sheòrsachd, bha mi ag iarraidh faighneachd dhomh nach bu chòir dha a bhith Co-sheòrsachd ach fhuair mi a-mach gu bheil an duilleag ann mu thràth - mar ath-threòrachadh gu Co-ghnèitheachd... --Thrissel 17:37, 15 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

Ò murt... Akerbeltz 18:25, 15 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
Ok, chuir mi ceart sin, ged a tha an dà artaigil 'nam bùrach mòr, 's gann gu bheil mise 'ga thuigs! Akerbeltz 18:27, 15 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
Bùrach gu dearbh... 's dòcha gum measgaich mi iad ri aon duilleag latha brèagha air choireigin ach chan eil fhios 'am am bi an neart agam :D. --Thrissel 18:43, 15 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
Tha mi ga thuigsinn a-nis: chan e ach eadar-theangachadh de "Homosexuality" ann an Uici Bheurla mar a bha e aig an àm (an Cèitean 2005): [4]. Mar sin, ma tha ùidh agad dè a tha ann an "Àrainn Dà-Mhiannachd", seo an soillearachadh: "Bisexual continuum". Nach sgoinneil? :D --Thrissel 16:03, 16 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

Prìomh-mhinistearan an/na Rìoghachd Aonaichte

Hi Akerbeltz, I noticed you created a new category for Prìomh-mhinistearan na Rìoghachd Aonaichte. Which one is correct below?

Category:Prìomh-mhinistearan an Rìoghachd Aonaichte
Category:Prìomh-mhinistearan na Rìoghachd Aonaichte

-- Breckenheimer23:46, 18 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

The second, Rìoghachd is feminine so it becomes x na Rìoghachd in the genitive. Akerbeltz 00:14, 19 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
Tapadh leibh! I went ahead and fixed all the other PMs. Breckenheimer 04:03, 19 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
'S e do bheatha ⁊ mòran taing! Akerbeltz 10:08, 19 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)


Akerbeltz a charaid, tha mi ag obair air duilleagan an luchd-cànanachais, bha mi a' dol a dhèiligeadh ris an fhear air TF Ó Rathaile a-nis. Saoil am b' urrainn dhuibh an duilleag on wikipedia Bheurla (seo a ghluasad gu T. F. Ó Rathaile air an wiki Ghàidhlig? Tapadh leibh! Glurenom 10:35, 24 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

Dèanta, tha e aig Tomás Ó Rathaile. Fàilte dhan dùthaich :) Akerbeltz 11:48, 24 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
Gasta, mòran taing!


Hallo, I have a question. It is a small point, but most of the namespaces on gd.wikipedia are yet to be translated. Apparently there is some LanguageGD.php file where this can be done, but I can't seem to track it down. Any thoughts? Daibhidh 17:43, 24 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

I should explain that before beginning work on a bunch of Template:Convert templates, it would be nice to have the base name in the original Gaelic. To do this one would need to change Template to Templaid in the namespaces section, and even if I were to work out how, it could really do with the steady eye of a native speaker. Le meas, &c. Daibhidh 17:48, 24 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

I've asked Sionnach to chip in, I'd be happy to translate the file but I'm not sure of the technicalities tbh Akerbeltz 18:00, 24 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
I think that it is about 18 terms in total, and I can tell from other Wikipedias, e.g. German, Dutch that it is possible. Cf. this link [5] for more. Daibhidh 18:04, 24 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

Had a look here:[, but not seeing an obvious list of namespaces. Daibhidh 18:41, 24 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)

Those names in the main namespace (like Category, User etc) can only be changed by the system administrators in Florida. Of cause we can still add Gàidhlig names to Templates like Template:Baile, so there would be no problem when there would be a change in the system.--Sionnach 18:55, 24 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
Hm, maybe Daibhidh is right and we only need a translation of [6] (see also [7] ). It would be nice if you could do those and in a few days we would see if they are working. --Sionnach 07:21, 26 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
Done, we'll see :) Akerbeltz 10:46, 26 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)
Tapaidh leibh! Daibhidh 18:53, 28 dhen Ghearrain 2012 (UTC)


A Dhuine uasail! Chì thu gun do fheuch mi ri deasbad a thòiseachadh aig an duilleig 'Buddasachd' air ainm na duilleige agus ainm a' chreideimh/na feallsanachd anns a' Ghàidhlig. Cha d'fhuair mi freagairt fhathast agus mar eòlaiche fon-eòlach, bu toil leam do bheachd a chluinntinn air a' chuspair. Cuideachd, ma thig sinn gu co-aonta gun tèid an duilleag a ghluasad, chan eil sgubaidh agam ciamar a nithear sin, agus bu toil leam do thaic. Mòran taing! --Lasairdhubh (talk) 15:54, 4 dhen Ghiblean 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Rìghrean Alba

Hi Akerbelz: Ciamar a tha sibh? I created a table on the page Rìghrean Alba‎ under Na Brusaich. Would you mind doing a quality control on it? I'm hoping to avoid propagating any grammatical errors. Thanks! Breckenheimer (talk) 14:58, 14 dhen Ghiblean 2012 (UTC)[reply]

I tweaked some things, not all "yours". I recommend avoiding Mairead as a spelling as it suggests the wrong kind of pronunciation. Watch out for the (lack of) definite article around place names. Akerbeltz (talk) 17:09, 17 dhen Ghiblean 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks! Breckenheimer (talk) 21:51, 18 dhen Ghiblean 2012 (UTC)[reply]


A charaid, bha mi airson [Category:Lithuanian writers] a chruthachadh airson Czesław Miłosz - fhuair mi a-mach nach eil [Category:Lithuania] againn agus gu bheil iomadh cruth dhen ainm san aiste Liotuàinia. Cò dhiubh a mholas thu? Liotuàinia? Liotuain? Lituàinia? Liotuània? (Fhad 's as fhiosrach mi 's e /litva/ am fuamnachadh sa chànan fhèin.) Le alt no gun alt? Agus am buadhair - L—ach no L—anach? Taing, --Thrissel (talk) 22:23, 16 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]

'S fhearr leamsa An Liotuain (gun fhuaim fhada san lide dheiridh) agus Roinn-seòrsa:Sgrìobhadairean Liotuaineach ach dh'fheumamaid am prìomh alt a ghluasad. Bhithinn deònach sin a dhèanamh. Akerbeltz (talk) 11:24, 17 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]
A-rèir an deasbaid a bha ann roimhe sin bha sinn ag aontachadh na dùthchannan a chur fon ainm as cumanta. Mar sin mholainn-sa an aiste fhàgail far a bheil i an-dràsta. --Sionnach (talk) 16:38, 17 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Sin an trioblaid agam - an e Liotuàinia as cumanta? Chluich mi le Google: faodaidh sinn Liotuània a dhìochuimheachadh (13 buillean agus an aghaidh caol ri caol); tha 172 aig Liotuàinia, 91 aig Liotuain agus 92 aig Lituàinia - ach tha e coltach gu bheil a' mhòrchuid dhiubh dìreach a' "sgàthanachadh" Uicipeid. (Mar sin, tha amharas orm nan gluaiseamaid an duilleag, dh'atharraicheadh na h-àireamhan.) A rèir choltais tha SMO a' fàbharachadh Liotuàinia, tha beum air a' chiad lide aig Liotuain (mar a tha e sa chànan), ach tha BBC a' dol le Lituàinia (a tha an aghaidh caol ri caol)... Feumaidh mi aideachadh chan urrainn dhomh a ràdh dè a b' fheàrr leam aig an àm seo. --Thrissel (talk) 18:47, 17 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]

'S e Liotuain an tionndadh a bhriseas an àireamh as lugha de riaghailtean agus sa chùis seo, cha chreid mi gu bheil am fear a nochdas as trice air an lìon 'na dheagh stiùireadh air na bhiodh matha :/ Agus tha am BBC gu math ad-hoc agus gun chus dhaoine a tha math air fuaim-eòlas is rudan mar sin. Akerbeltz (talk) 00:15, 19 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Smaoinich mi mu dheidhinn nas motha agus (caran) b' fheàrr leam Liotuain le beum air a' chiad lide (mar a tha e sa chànan fhèin) na Liotuània le beum air an dàrna tè (mar a tha e sa Bheurla), ach fanaidh mi fhathast dè chanas Sionnach. --Thrissel (talk) 14:48, 24 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Eadar dà sgeul, 's e Liotuain a bhios aig Microsoft nuair a thig an CLIP ùr a-mach :) Akerbeltz (talk) 23:16, 24 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Tha mi duilich, a chàirdean, ach sin mo bheachd-sa: ma bhios sibh a' bruidhinn mu chruth an ainm as fheàrr leibh, 's e sin dìreach na beachdan pearsanta agaibh. Ach ann an Uicipeid bu chòrr tùsan a bhith ann airson an roghainn a b' fheàrr leibh a dhearbhadh. Tha còig tùsan anns an aiste seo, ach tha iad a' sealltainn nach eil an t-ainm stèidhichte fhathast, agus sin an trioblaid le mion-chànain. Is dòcha gum biodh a h-uile duine a' cleachdadh "Liotuain" san àm ri teachd, is dòcha nach biodh, chan eil fhios agam. Ma bhios tùsan sgrìobhte/faclairean/ leabhraichean agaibh, far a bheil "Liotuain" a' nochdadh, cuiribh iad ris an aiste agus an uair sin gu ainm ùr. Mura bheil, fàg an aiste far a bheil i. Bha cus gluasaid a' tachairt mus do chuir mi na tùsan ris na dùthchannan, ach leis na tùsan stad na gearanan. (Agus tha cuid aistean ann fo ainm nach toil leam-sa nas motha, ach chan eil mo bheachdan pearsanta a' cunntadh ann an aiste:-))--Sionnach (talk) 21:41, 25 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Glè mhath, cumaidh sinn an status quo. An dèidh a h-uile càil, faodar sin atharrachadh ma dh'atharraicheas Microsoft no rudeigin eile an suidheachadh san àm ri teachd. --Thrissel (talk) 20:52, 27 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Le deagh tùsan, faodaidh, gu dearbh. --Sionnach (talk) 07:38, 29 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]


Saoil, ma bhios mionaid agad, bu toil leam ath-sgrùdadh fhaighinn air Achd na Croitearachd (1886) a thaobh mhearachdan, stoidhle... . Tha mi a' fàs troimhe chèile a-nis a bhith ag obair le trì cànain aig an aon àm :-) Gu sònraichte tha trioblaid agam le eadar-theangachadh dhen iomradh Bheurla anns an dàrna phàirt, ach bhiodh e math, nam biodh e anns a' Ghàidhlig cuideachd. Tha mi ag iarraidh an aiste a chur air a' phrìomh-dhuilleag, ach b' fheàrr leam gum beireadh cuideigin eile sùil oirre ro làimh. Mòran taing.--Sionnach (talk) 07:55, 29 dhen Ògmhios 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Article translation/collaboration request

Hi Akerbeltz, how are you? Mate, I am trying to find an editor/s who can help by translating User:Russavia/Polandball into Scottish Gaelic. I was wondering if we could make a collaborative trade?

If you could translate that article into Scottish Gaelic for me, I would be happy to upload approximately 50 Scottish aviation photos to Commons from amongst the 200,000 I have permission to upload. I have uploaded a number of photos to give you a brief idea of what I can upload, and I am keeping a gallery at User:Russavia of photos uploaded.

Would you be interested in such a collaborative "trade"? Do let me know, either by responding here, or on my talk page, or by emailing me. Cheers, Russavia (talk) 09:19, 17 dhen Lùnastal 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Russavia. I'm afraid that's unlikely to happen, I've looked at it and it's just not enough of a priority topic for such a small Wiki as us, still lacking in some fairly basic articles. Best of luck. Akerbeltz (talk) 09:58, 17 dhen Lùnastal 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Hi Akerbeltz, thanks for your response. I can certainly understand the problem that smaller projects face with missing basic articles. I will continue to search for someone who speaks Scottish Gaelic, perhaps amongst the numerous aviation photographers whom I know, and perhaps try to introduce them to Scottish Gaelic Wikipedia as well. Having said that, I will be continuing to upload Scottish aviation photos to Commons, and will continue to display them on my userpage here, and hopefully some of those articles will be created in the future too. Cheers, Russavia (talk) 09:20, 18 dhen Lùnastal 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Cheers mate :) Akerbeltz (talk) 09:39, 18 dhen Lùnastal 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Ainmean is sloinnidhean

Haidh, tha mi ag obair air an duilleig seo agus thionndaidh mi grunnan ainmean aistean a rèir a' phoileasaidh againn, ach tha feadhainn eile ann air nach eil mi cinnteach:

Shin thu!
  • Muhammed... deagh cheist. Cha chreid mi gu bheil tradaisean mòr air a chùlaibh. 'S e Muḥammad an tar-litreachadh oifigeach a-rèir na duilleige Bheurla, mholainn Muhammad a-rèir nan riaghailtean againn mar sin.
  • Ìosa Chrìosd - gun sèimheachadh
  • Lao ZiQin Shi Huang tha iad seo ceart. 'S e Pinyin a chleachdas sinn
  • Tha an duilleag Bheurla ag innse gur e Cyrus an cruth Laideann, ghlèidhinn sin. Cyrus Mòr mar sin? Akerbeltz (talk) 17:38, 13 dhen t-Sultain 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Mòran taing, ghluais mi an teacsa bho Ìosa Chrìosd gu Iosa Crìosd.
Choimhead mi air en:Cyrus the Great#Etymology agus tha e ag ràdh gur e pearsa a nochdas ann am Bìoball, agus lorg mi e ann [8]. 'S dòcha gum bu chòir dhuinn an cruth a tha san t-Seann Tiomnadh sa Ghàdhlig air a chleachdadh? (Cha do lorg mi an Tiomnadh Gàidhlig air loidhne ge-tà - saoil gu bheil fhios againn air cuideigin aig a tha e?) --Thrissel (talk) 20:31, 13 dhen t-Sultain 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Math a rinn thu, Cìrus (gin. Chìruis) a tha sa Bhìoball Ghàidhlig! Akerbeltz (talk) 23:34, 13 dhen t-Sultain 2012 (UTC)[reply]
Cheartaich mi e air an duilleig, taing a-rithist! --Thrissel (talk) 18:08, 14 dhen t-Sultain 2012 (UTC)[reply]

Tapadh leibh gu leor!

M., a million thanks for your translation help. I'm taking Gaelic lessons in the hope of being able to make more intelligent contributions to UP, among other reasons. The templates can be tricky, but as long as contributors continue to speak to each other, and constantly reference other languages' template and talk pages, things should click.

In the talk pages, for instance, I read loads of complaints from contributors about the fact that the English flag pages had not been named Flag data right from the beginning and that really informed my thinking in naming the page Teamplaid:Dàta brataich. Also, while I remember, it is vastly preferable from a programming point of view if the country name after Teamplaid:Dàta brataich (e.g. Teamplaid:Dàta brataich A' Ghearmailt) be left in the nominative.

Could you suggest a title for a centralised translation page, btw? I'll try and find a tool that allows rows to be added via a nifty user interface.

One question I have is about the translation of Wikimedia. I really like the distinctiveness of Uicipeid: do you not think that the project would be better served by perpetuating the Uici brand!?!? Sioraf (talk) 12:07, 14 dhen Ghiblean 2013 (UTC)[reply]

'S e do bheatha :)
Teamplaid:Dàta brataich (e.g. Teamplaid:Dàta brataich A' Ghearmailt) be left in the nominative. - yeah but it's seriously bad from the linguistic angle. Localization, as much as possible, must follow proper language models, not the other way round. Are these generated automatically or are they manual page titles?
Regarding translation, we could just share a GoogleDoc or something on SkyDrive, a spreadsheet or something, works much better and I've used it for such things before.
Wikimedia - in general I agree but media is just such and unwieldy word in Gaelic, meadhan(an) - it suffers from serious semantic overload. MeadhanUici suggests the wrong thing, MeadhananUici isn't much better. Uici nam Meadhanan could word but I don't know if there are problems with having spaces. Akerbeltz (talk) 12:26, 14 dhen Ghiblean 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Ugh. I share your concern over Teamplaid:Dàta brataich A' Ghearmailt, but the consequences from a programming and liguistic point of view are pretty beastly. There is a template called FULLPAGENAME, in loads of templates, and would be critical here. It is on my list of templates to convert for UP. There are two options going forward:
The first would be to code a template called GENITIVEFULLPAGENAME - or some snappier Gaelic equivalent - to create the genitive form of page names based on the nominative! That should be easy! ;)
The second would be to code GENITIVEFULLPAGENAME to acquire the genitive form from the article page, as you have with DEFAULTSORT and CATEGORY pages.
Spaces shouldn't be a problem, but how would UiciMeadhan work? Or using a different word in Gaelic? Cha fios agam. It would be helpful to have consistent names for all of the Uici projects. Could we perhaps consult with some native speakers who understand the project, and see if we can't come up with consistent names for the different project names. 06:38, 17 dhen Ghiblean 2013 (UTC)[reply]
That might involve a really long wait and a heated debated with no clear outcome. If space are not a problem, the let's stay Gaelic and use Uici nam Meadhanan, anything else is just confusing and breaking rules.
Coding a genitive page name for such precomposed titles would be brilliant. You seriously reckon it can be done? Akerbeltz (talk) 09:28, 17 dhen Ghiblean 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Sure, I'd be willing to give it a try, but not without your help with the grammar rules. Sioraf (talk) 09:32, 17 dhen Ghiblean 2013 (UTC)[reply]

I'd be more than happy to do that. Do you want a handfull of pagenames so you can test? Akerbeltz (talk) 09:35, 17 dhen Ghiblean 2013 (UTC)[reply]


Haigh, dè tha ceàrr leis a' chruth seo? Tha e anns AFB, ann am Mark, ann AmBaile... --Thrissel (talk) 16:13, 28 dhen Ghiblean 2013 (UTC)[reply]