Toraidhean rannsachaidh
Showing results for york. No results found for Yobkj.
Cruthaich an duilleag "Yobkj" air an uicidh seo! Faic na toraidhean luirg cuideachd.
- S' e Oilthigh York (York University, YU), stèidhichte ann an 1959, an oilthigh as motha ann an Ontario (Canada). York University School of Social Work...977 B (60 facal) - 22:22, 2 dhen Dàmhair 2022
- Eabhraig Nuadh (baile) (ag ath-sheòladh o New York City)Eabhraig Nuadh, Na Stàitean Aonaichte a tha ann an Eabhraig Nuadh (Beurla: New York). B' e Nieuw Amsteldam an seann-ainm a bha air. Chaidh am baile a stèidheachadh...3 KB (183 facal) - 12:56, 12 dhen Iuchar 2022
- 'S e baile ann am Pennsylvania, sna Stàitean Aonaichte, a th' ann an York. Anns a’ bhliadhna 2010 bha 43,718 duine a’ fuireach an seo. Chaidh am baile...1 KB (48 facal) - 16:01, 19 dhen Chèitean 2019
- Eabhraig Nuadh (stàit) (ag ath-sheòladh o New York (state))'S e tè de na Stàitean Aonaichte a tha ann an Eabhraig Nuadh (Beurla: New York). Tha i suidhichte san àirde an earra-thuath na dùthcha. Tha 19,378,102 duine...2 KB (174 facal) - 20:37, 21 dhen Fhaoilleach 2024
- Sid Vicious (10 May 1957 London - 2 February 1979 New York). My Way/Something Else/C’mon Everybody (1979, 12”, Barclay, Barclay 740 509) Sid Sings (1979...4 KB (594 facal) - 13:03, 16 dhen Ògmhios 2023
- Satoru Iwata José Eusebio Otálora Carlos Slim Aquileo Parra Gómez Roberts, J.M. (2013). The Penguin History of the World, Sixth Edition. New York: Penguin...729 B (70 facal) - 17:34, 16 dhen Chèitean 2020
- Nes/Nos). Ann an 2011 cha robh duine sam bith a' fuireach anns an eilean. York University National Records of Scotland 2011 Census Earr-ràdh 2: Population...670 B (61 facal) - 18:23, 20 dhen t-Samhain 2019
- faisg air Learaig. Ann an 2011 bha 386 duine a' fuireach air an eilean. York University National Records of Scotland 2011 Census Earr-ràdh 2: Population...758 B (66 facal) - 18:28, 20 dhen t-Samhain 2019
- 'S e cleasaiche à The Bronx, New York City, New York sna Stàitean Aonaichte a tha ann am Regis Francis Xavier Philbin Rugadh e 25 an Lùnastal 1931). IMDB...554 B (45 facal) - 07:08, 13 dhen Ògmhios 2018
- Mhàrt 2017): “George A. Olah, Carbon Compounds Pathfinder, Dies at 89”. New York Times. Air a thogail 14mh dhen Mhàrt 2017. Duais Nobel ann an Ceimigeachd...2 KB (163 facal) - 13:21, 23 dhen Lùnastal 2017
- Loughlin, James (1908): “Pope Clement XII”, The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Air a thogail 7mh dhen Ghiblean 2018. Camino de...1 KB (96 facal) - 20:59, 23 dhen Mhàrt 2023
- Barnaby J.: “Richard E. Smalley, 62, Dies; Chemistry Nobel Winner”, New York Times. 29mh dhen Dàmhair 2005. Air a thogail 2na dhen t-Sultain 2020. “Richard...2 KB (174 facal) - 06:56, 2 dhen t-Sultain 2020
- freumhan ann an Lombardia. Loughlin, James (1908): “Pope Clement IX”, The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Camino de Santiago...1 KB (96 facal) - 20:58, 23 dhen Mhàrt 2023
- an Stàitean na h-Eaglaise. Healey, Patrick (1907): Pope Benedict XIV. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Air a thogail 2na dhen Chèitean 2018. Camino de...1 KB (101 facal) - 20:58, 23 dhen Mhàrt 2023
- Loughlin, James (1911): “Pope Pius IV”, The Catholic Encyclopedia. Robert Appleton Company, New York. Air a thogail 4mh dhen Mhàrt 2018. Camino de Santiago...1 KB (102 facal) - 21:01, 23 dhen Mhàrt 2023
- London and New York: Routledge. Words in the Mind: An Introduction to the Mental Lexicon. 3rd edition (1st edition 1987). Oxford and New York: Basil Blackwell...2 KB (280 facal) - 12:02, 28 dhen Lùnastal 2017
- prìobhaideach. Ott, Michael (1910): “Pope Innocent XI”, Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Air a thogail 12mh dhen Ghiblean 2018. Camino...1 KB (100 facal) - 21:01, 23 dhen Mhàrt 2023
- airson paidhleatan fhaighinn. Anatoliy Nedbaylo Polina Osipenko Aeronautics in 1904, Collier's Self-Indexing Annual, New York: P. F. Collier & Son, 1905....1,015 B (106 facal) - 15:05, 19 dhen Chèitean 2022
- Languages Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0195132238 Carnie, Andrew. (2008). Irish nouns: a reference guide Oxford; New York: Oxford University...2 KB (197 facal) - 16:41, 28 dhen t-Samhain 2022