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Deasbaireachd a' chleachdaiche:Varlaam

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100 Books of the Century

[deasaich an tùs]

Hello, in response to your question about Le Monde's 100 Books of the Century: I'd go with '100 Leabhar an Linn (a rèir Le Monde/ le Le Monde). It's not very clear as which century isn't obvious, but that's the same in the original. You say you're going to do a Gaelic list, can I ask you to tell me a bit more about what this means? Are you going to put the table headings and languages in Gaelic only? What language are you going to put the book titles in? Thisissusanbell (talk) 13:10, 17 dhen Iuchar 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Hi Susan,
I am the rollbacker at Scots Wikipedia, by the way. And an admin candidate over there.
100 Leabhar an Linn (a rèir Le Monde/ le Le Monde)
Now, I don't speak any Goidelic language (or Brythonic either), so I can't resolve the options implied here.
Many languages dislike the ambiguity in "century". Especially since we're at 2013 already. Time flies.
So it is common, or even normal, to add a "20" or "XX" to the title, depending on the language's style for naming centuries.
If you personally prefer that, that's fine. Feel free. A local speaker makes a decision; other locals follow his or her lead. 90% of Wikipedians read what is presented to them without interacting with it.
The languages column in English: I wrote that, but only in reaction to a nationality column added by a Korean IP user. The nationality column became a source of endless controversy, and accusations of OR, so eventually I just nuked that column.
I actually work from the original version of the page with no Languages column.
Looking up 100 titles and authors' names (their names can change: H.G. Wells, Herbert, Herbert George) is tons of work in a language you don't speak.
And language names? To capitalize, or not to capitalize?
I already did the hard part, the book titles.
As a manager, you know it is good to let your staff buy into the project they are working on. You don't answer every question an underling presents. You allow him to formulate his own response, and then he has a greater level of commitment to his own decision.
So if a local user after me adds the Languages column, that's great. That has happened.
I don't need to do that personally. I can read Greek, Cyrillic, Arabic and so on, so I should be spending my time on an Armenian page, not simply adding "Beurla" to a Gaelic page.
Anyone can add Beurla; not anyone can figure out how to read Armenian.
(This PC needed a restart.)
Wikipedia is supposed to be collaborative; I do the parts I can do, others do the parts they feel comfortable doing.
Book titles: I don't speak 40 languages. I don't believe anyone in history has spoken 40 languages.
I translate the page, not the titles. Trying to translate titles would be presumptuous and absurd and wrong.
I compile the information that already exists, in gdwiki, in this instance.
Languages that don't have book information, Twi or Fulani or Mongol, I don't do those. There's nothing to compile. Even Hindi and Chinese, there is not much here at WP.
With Gaelic, most Gaelic speakers also speak English. And a Gael will know English before he knows French.
If a Gaelic speaker wants to read one of these books, in practice, he will be looking, I assume, for an English-language copy at the Inverness Public Library.
Fine. That's reality.
Some of the books, children's books (Little Prince, Asterix the Gaul) might actually have a printed copy in Gaelic. Great. Hound of the Baskervilles. It's 100 years old. Everyone loves Sherlock Holmes. Hopefully there is a printed Gaelic edition of that.
I am an engineer. So I create a working page.
So that means I have a bunch of working links to enwiki pages, supplemented by gdwiki data.
Now, what a foreign language book is called in any language is language-dependent.
Some languages translate titles; some use the original title.
Gaelic will have its own convention, unbeknownst to me.
Quite possibly that convention is to refer to a book by its (readily available) English name, and talk about the book in Gaelic.
But that is up to you and the Gaelic speakers. Different Wikipedia projects handle this matter differently, and some projects handle it inconsistently: some pages with an original language title, some pages with a translated title.
So, have I answered your questions?
Sorry for being in a talkative mood today for some reason.
In Toronto, Varlaam (talk) 17:45, 17 dhen Iuchar 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hello, Ma question aboot the table and the names o the leids wis pairtly to understaund better whit somebody wi no Gaelic wis plannin tae dae on a Gaelic page! But ah get noo the 'compiling' work yer plannin tae dae. Ma question aboot which leid ye were gonnae pit the titles in wis because there's bin a stooshie aboot that afore here and a policy wis agreed. (essentially if it hasnae been published in Gaelic the original language o publication is used then annotated e.g. Vingt mille lieues sous les mers (Fichead Mìle Lèigean fon Mhuir, 1870; air fhoillseachadh mar Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea sa Bheurla) in case yer curious.
so, anent the ambiguity o'er the hunderyear: ah hink a literal translation o Le Monde 's original title is maist appropriate as a title, specifying that it is Le Monde 's list:
  • '100 Leabhar an Linn' le Le Monde
The content can explain which century:
  • 'S e an liosta 100 Leabhar an Linn liosta den 100 leabhar as fheàrr san 20mh linn a rèir cunntas-bheachd a rinneadh ann an 1999 leis a' bhùth Fhrangach Fnac agus am pàipear-naidheachd Le Monde. Bho liosta de 200 leabhar, fhreagair 17,000 Frangaich a' cheist 'Dè na leabhraichean a mhaireas nur cuimhne? (' Quels livres sont restés dans votre mémoire? ')
But ah didnae mind addin in the wee bits o Gaelic content if yer daein the rest o the page.
Thisissusanbell (talk) 19:55, 18 dhen Iuchar 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Good God, a real Scots speaker. You are my heroine.
There are none at scowiki, it's Americans, Canadians and Europeans. We don't even have Scots ancestry!
The original gang of Scots all retired years ago.
Ok, I'll set up the page and let you know.
Varlaam (talk) 20:33, 23 dhen Iuchar 2013 (UTC)[reply]
hah hah! Ah dinnae ken if that's hilarious or pure sad. Ah'd say ah'm 'passive bilingual' when it comes tae Scots (Scots on ma faither's side, Gaels on ma mither's). Ma scrivin isnae as good as ma Gaelic. Seein as hoo the Gaelic wiki is already ma best procrastination tool an aw, ah better stay oot ae the Scots yin! Thisissusanbell (talk) 15:47, 26 dhen Iuchar 2013 (UTC)[reply]
100 Leabhraichean na Linn le Le Monde - Scottish Gaelic
Leabhraichean is the plural of leabhar. Linn is feminine so takes "na" as the genitive article.
Morag (talk) 10:14, 20 dhen t-Sultain 2013 (UTC)[reply]
Hi a Mhòrag, Chleachd mi 'leabhar' air sgàth gu bheil an singilte àbhaisteach as dèidh 'fichead', 'ceud' msaa. Airson dearbhadh, dh'fheuch mi '100 caora'/'100 caoraich', '100 taigh'/'100 taighean' '100 saighdear'/'100 saighdearan' msaa ann an Google agus bha barrachd toraidhean aig a' chiad dhiubh a dh'aindeoin gur e '100' an àite 'ceud' a tha sgrìobhte. Ann an Dwelly agus Am Faclair Beag, tha 'linn' fireann, is lean mi iadsan. / I used 'leabhar' to follow the pattern of singular forms being used after a hundred, which Google results suggest as the norm. In Dwelly's dictionary and Am Faclair Beag, 'linn' is masculine so I follow them. Thisissusanbell (talk) 13:39, 20 dhen t-Sultain 2013 (UTC)[reply]


[deasaich an tùs]

Thank you for asking, but unfortunately I decided a while ago that I won't do translations.Jhendin (talk) 12:33, 20 dhen Iuchar 2013 (UTC)[reply]