Deasbaireachd a' chleachdaiche:G.W.Kyte

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O Uicipeid

Halò G.W. Kyte, agus fàilte dhan Uicipeid againn. Tha e uabhasach math cuideigin fhaicinn an seo aig a bheil ùidh agus eòlas air cuspairean Canèidianach, agus tha coltas ann gu bheil deagh eòlas teicnigeach agad cuideachd.

Bhiodh e sgoinneil nam biodh cothrom agad san àm ri teachd barrachd a sgrìobhadh mu Chanada, agus na h-artaigealan a sgrìobh thu mar-thà a leudachadh beagan. 'S fheàrr leinn nuair a tha iad 5 loidhnichean no nas fhaide.

Ma tha thu ag iarraidh comhairle sam bith no taic a thaobh a' chànain, bidh sinn toilichte do cuideachadh. Tha mi air coimhead air rud no dhà agad mar-thà, ach uaireannan bha trioblaidean agam a h-uile rud a thuigsinn. Ach tha mi cinnteach gun urrainn dhuinn a chur ceart còmhla. Càit a bheil thu ag ionnsachadh na Gàidhlig?

Tha mi 'n dòchas gun sgrìobh thu barrachd, agus gum faic sinn thu an seo nas trice.

--Each-uisge (an deasbaireachd) 10:52, 26 dhen Mhàrt 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Invitation[deasaich an tùs]

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Na duilleagan beaga[deasaich an tùs]

Shin thu a charaid! Mòran taing airson pàirt a ghabhail ach tha aon mholadh agam dhut. Saoil an coilean thu na duilleagan ùra a chruthaicheas tu mus lean thu air adhart gu tè ùr? Feadhainn mar Quinte an Iar no Ontario Rathad 7? Tha deasbad air a bhith ann, gu ìre mhòr co-cheangailte ri cuideigin eile a bha a' cruthachadh nam mìltean (chan e breug a th' ann!) de bhuin bheaga agus bha sin a' cur cron air an Uicipeid. Ri linn sinn, tha sinn a' cumail sùil nas gèire air na h-aistidhean beaga agus mur eil susbaint gu leòr ann 's mur eil daoine ag obair orra, tha cunnart gun dèid an sguabadh às. Chan eil càil cearr leis na cuspairean a thagh thu ach mar a thuirt mi, bhiodh e math beagan feòil a chur air na cnàmhan. Can earrann shlàn de thacsa. le meas Akerbeltz (an deasbaireachd) 19:08, 5 dhen Ghiblean 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Gàidhlig[deasaich an tùs]

Halò a-rithist! Tha mi dìreach air cuid de na duilleagan agad a leughadh mu bhailtean, agus bha mi a' smaoineachadh gum faodadh e a bhith feumail dhut coimhead air bailtean eile airson taic leis a' chànan. Nach coimhead thu air bailtean eile, m.e. An t-Sròn Reamhar no Straiton, agus chì thu structar math airson sgrìobhadh mu bhailtean, m.e. 'S e baile ann an X a th' ann an Y. Tha e suidhichte eadar X agus Y. Tha X duine a' fuireach ann/Ann an 2001 bha X duine a' fuireach ann. 'S e prìomh-bhaile na X/Siorrachd X a th' ann. agus rudan mar sin. Tha mi cinnteach gum bi thu ag ionnsachadh tòrr anns an dòigh sin. --Each-uisge (an deasbaireachd) 14:28, 6 dhen Ghiblean 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Fàilte bhuamsa cuideachd. Mòran taing airson an aiste mu Quinte West a leasachadh.
On your user page you set your level of Gaelic at 3 which means you are quite fluent, but parts of your articles just don’t make any sense at all, m.e: Bh' ann Hastings, ach an dràsda 's e dà baile-mòir ann Ontario. Please have a look at those phrases again and correct them.
I would strongly recommend to follow the intructions from Each-uisge: 'S e baile ann an X a th' ann an Y. Tha e suidhichte eadar X agus Y. Tha X duine a' fuireach ann/Ann an 2001 bha X duine a' fuireach ann. 'S e prìomh-bhaile na X/Siorrachd X a th' ann. Here is another stub:Fiodh Abhainn that might be helpful to improve your Gaelic and the Gaelic Uicipeid. --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:26, 9 dhen Ghiblean 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Sticking my oar in too - we're trying to move away of having thousands of stubs with hardly any info. I'm quite happy to help correct your Gaelic but it would be good if we could do that on a one page at a time basis. Akerbeltz (an deasbaireachd) 22:08, 9 dhen Ghiblean 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Sorry, I didn't want to disencourage you. You don't have to go back to reading only, because, as Akerbeltz already said, working on one article at a time would be fine with me as well and we could help you with your Gaelic. On the other hand there are ways you could help us as well. I saw that you are really good with templates, so it would be a great help if you could add the Teamplaid:Baile maybe to the Canadian towns? You'll find them here: Roinn-seòrsa:Bailtean ann an Canada. Sadly most of them are in a really bad shape. Probably you could add: "Ann an 2001 bha X duine a' fuireach ann." (In 2001 there were x people living there) together with a reference? That would be a great improvement for Uicipeid! By the way, thanks for changing the "Artagail taghta" on the mainpage from time to time, you are very welcome to do that again. Dùrachdan --Sionnach (an deasbaireachd) 06:27, 10 dhen Ghiblean 2015 (UTC)[reply]
Cheartaich mi an t-alt agad air Eilean Cheap Bhreatainn. Nach toir thu sùil air seo gus faicinn na rinn mi, agus bidh e feumail dhut san àm ri teachd. --Each-uisge (an deasbaireachd) 14:13, 16 dhen Ghiblean 2015 (UTC)[reply]