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O Uicipeid

Eileamaid: A bheil beachd aig neach sam bith gu bheil am facal Gaelige "Duil" nas freagarach?

Air barrachd a bheil comhairle aig neach sam bith air facal freagarach ri "molecule"?

Cleachdainn "dudam" airson "atom"

mól = "mole"?

Aireamh Abhagadro: 6.023 x 10E23?

'Cleachdainn "dudam" airson "atom"'

- Dadmann neo atom sa Ghaidhlig.

Is fhearr leam "duil" na "eileamaid". ( "Rugadh 's an stabull Righ nan Duil" ..."Born in a stable King of the Elements" tha an cleachdadh sin a h-aon cleachdadh 's a bha aig luchd na Beurla mun do nochd an tuigse "modern" air element mar gum biodh "ceimidh bunaiteach").

Dudam : gun teagamh.

Mirean fo-dudamachd : Am Próton (fear), An Niutron (Fear), An Eleactron (boir). An Niuclas (fear)

Please learn to use wikipedia properly - there is a "sandbox" you can learn on in the English wikipedia. I have had to clean up the mess you just left e.g. removing the picture, putting in dud links etc. And sign your comments please. You can do this by adding this at the end of your comment -> "--~~~~"

Tha dadmann nas fheàrr na dudam 7c. --Creachadair 21:34, 8 June 2007 (UTC)

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