Bhictòria, Astràilia
(Air ath-sheòladh o Victoria, Astràilia)
Pàirt de | Astràilia |
Cur air cois | 1 dhen Iuchar 1851 |
Ainm oifigeil | Victoria |
Ainm dùthchasach | Victoria |
Ainm goirid | VIC |
Tar-sgrìobhadh IPA | vɪkˈtɔriə |
Ainmichte às dèidh | Ban-rìgh Bhictoria |
Neach bhon àite | Victorian, Victorians |
Cànan oifigeil | Australian English |
Motto | Peace and Prosperity |
Mòr-roinn | Australian continent, Oceania |
Dùthaich | Astràilia |
Prìomh-bhaile | Melbourne |
Sgìre riaghaltais ionadail | Astràilia |
Roinn-tìde | ÀCC+10:00, Australia/Melbourne, UTC+11:00 |
Faisg air an uisge | Tasman Sea, Cuan-a-Deas, Bass Strait |
Suidheachadh cruinn-eòlais | mainland Australia |
Domhan-leud is -fhad | 36°51′15″S 144°16′52″E |
Coordinates of easternmost point | 37°30′19″S 149°58′35″E |
Coordinates of northernmost point | 33°58′53″S 140°57′51″E |
Coordinates of southernmost point | 39°12′0″S 147°1′18″E |
Coordinates of westernmost point | 38°3′21″S 140°57′45″E |
Puing as àirde | Mount Bogong |
Lowest point | Morwell Opencut |
Basic form of government | constitutional monarchy, representative democracy |
Oifis aig ceann-stàite | monarc Astràilia |
Ceannard na stàite | Margaret Gardner |
Oifis aig ceann an riaghaltais | Premier of Victoria |
Ceannard an riaghaltais | Jacinta Allan |
Has cabinet | Executive Council of Victoria |
Executive body | Victoria State Government |
Authority | Victoria State Government |
Legislative body | Parliament of Victoria |
Highest judicial authority | Supreme Court of Victoria |
Baile-céile | Aichi Prefecture |
Crìoch còmhla ri | Astràilia a Deas, New South Wales, Tasmania |
Coextensive with | Victoria |
Na bh’ann roimhe | Colony of Victoria |
Làrach-lìn | |
Main regulatory text | Constitution of Victoria |
Bratach | flag of Victoria |
Geography of topic | geography of Victoria |
History of topic | history of Victoria |
Tartan | Victoria state tartan |
Official color | blue, silver |
Related category | Category:Victoria (state)-related lists |
Open data portal | Data VIC |
Economy of topic | Economy of Victoria (state) |
Official map URL | |
Cód fónaichean-talmhainn | 03, 02 |
Category for maps or plans | Category:Maps of Victoria, Australia |
'S e Bhictòria aon dhe na Stàitean Astràilianach agus 's e am fear leis an t-sluagh is motha as dèidh na Cuimrigh Nuadh a Deas a th' ann. 'Se Melbourne am prìomh-bhaile aige agus is e an dàrna baile is motha anns an dùthaich gu lèir. Tha Bhictòria suidhichte air oir dheas Astràilia, le Astràilia a Deas iar air agus a' Chuimrigh Nuadh a Deas tuath air, agus faisg air Eilean Thasman.