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Teamplaid:Location map Stàitean Aonaichte

O Uicipeid
Location map of Na Stàitean Aonaichte
name Na Stàitean Aonaichte
x 50.0 + 124.03149777329222 * ((1.9694462586094064-($1 * pi / 180)) * sin(0.6010514667026994 * ($2 + 96) * pi / 180))
y 50.0 + 1.6155950752393982 * 124.03149777329222 * ( 0.02613325650382181 - (1.3236744353715044 - (1.9694462586094064 - ($1 * pi / 180)) * cos(0.6010514667026994 * ($2 + 96) * pi / 180)))
image Usa edcp location map.svg
Location map Stàitean Aonaichte
image1 Usa edcp relief location map.png
Location map Stàitean Aonaichte
Documentation icon Sgrìobhainnean teamplaid[cruthaich]