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O Uicipeid
organ type, class of anatomical entity
Fo-sheòrsa deBall-gineamhainn, organ with organ cavity, particular anatomical entity Deasaich
Pàirt defemale reproductive system Deasaich
Théid a chleachdadh ann anLeatrom Deasaich
Facet ofwomen's health Deasaich
Anatomical locationpelvic cavity Deasaich
Lymphatic drainageinternal iliac lymph nodes Deasaich
Arterial supplyovarian artery, uterine artery Deasaich
Venous drainageuterine vein Deasaich
Development of anatomical structureuterus development Deasaich
NCI Thesaurus IDC12405 Deasaich
Airson eintiteis mhatamataigeach, faic meatrags.

Tha machlag neo brù na roinn am broinn bodhaig boireannaich far am fàs leanabhan mus beirear iad.

Faic cuideachd

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