TuairisgeulMoments of Devotion, Muslims in Ruku during Namaz.jpg
English: In a serene moment of devotion, a group of Muslim worshippers can be seen in ruku, the bowing position, as they engage in congregational prayer, known as namaz. With heads bowed and backs arched, they demonstrate humility and submission to the Almighty Allah , their hearts filled with reverence and piety. The rhythmic recitation of prayers fills the air, creating a tranquil atmosphere of spiritual connection and unity. In this sacred moment, they are immersed in the profound act of worship, seeking spiritual fulfillment and closeness to Allah through the ritual of namaz.
a cho-roinneadh – lethbhreac a dhèanamh dhen obair, a sgaoileadh is a tar-chur
ath-mheasgachadh – an obair atharrachadh
Fo bhuaidh nan cumhaichean a leanas:
urram – Feumaidh tu iomradh a thoirt air an ùghdar no an neach aig a bheil cead air, dìreach mar a thoill iad (ach chan ann air dòigh a chuireas an sùilean dhaoine gu bheil iad ag aontachadh riut no ri d’ obair).
co-roinneadh co-ionnann – Ma dh’atharraicheas tu no ma leasaicheas tu an obair seo, ’s urrainn an tionndadh ùr fon cheadachas seo no fo cheadachas coltach ris.