[deasaich an tùs]- Mianma -> Mianmar (tha "r" aige) - Note this name is only used by the dictatorship. Burma is the usual title.
- Hong Kong -> Hong Cong (easy respelling)
- Gaza -> Gàsa
- West Bank -> Bruach-an-Iar
- Bhiet-Nam - violates spelling rules. Likewise Taiwan is a nightmare to respell.
- Saud-Aràibia - "au" is not a Scottish Gaelic combination - ditto Macau.
- Sìona wins by a nose because of number of references.
- Seòirsia - don't have much time for this. Gruisia is better, and also can't be confused with the several other Georgias about the place.
- Cìopras - on the border. Culturally European.
--Creachadair 17:11, 17 an Giblean 2008 (UTC)
[deasaich an tùs]Cha robh sin furasta, faic an duilleag shoilleireachadh: Sìona. Leis an dòchas gum bi sin nas fheàrr a-nise. --Sionnach 09:35, 27 an Giblean 2008 (UTC)
[deasaich an tùs]Tha mi deiseil leis an liosta seo. Tha mi an dòchas gu bheil na h-ainmean ceart gu leòr a-nis. --Sionnach 20:17, 13 An Cèitean 2008 (UTC) PS.: Bu toil leam "reference" airson Gruisia fhaighinn fhathast.